AF - Atoms Framework


AF relies on a black-box testing approach, based on automated test scenarios, for the detection of crashes in GUI applications. The framework provides an environment for the development of test scripts and the generation of test sequences (execution lists).

In other words, AF can be understood as a framework that supports the automated generation of tests scenarios, where each scenario is a random combination of small test scripts. Each one of these test scripts is called atom, and its actions correspond to a visible operation of the system to be tested. The idea is that the operation an atom performs can not be decomposed into other operations.

Moreover, AF provides support for test data generation and maintenance. This enables atoms to recover input data from configurations files and to share output data: one atom can consume data another atom produces. This is key to AF as it enables one atom to exercise different inputs each time it is executed.


Please contact the following for any further information:

Paulo Borba (Senior Researcher)

Érica Hori (Technical Leader)

Laís Neves (Technical Leader)

Topic revision: r3 - 2009-08-04 - EricaHori
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