
CIn/BTC Research Project has generated some results from its research. Such as TaRGeT, AF and BxT. TaRGeT is the pioneer and is responsible for the first Research Project clients. AF is a framework for automated tests and is actually implemented by Stress Lab Team of CIn/BTC Project. BxT is a tool for automated tests too and is in experimental phase. See more about these tools below.

TaRGeT - Test and Requirements Generation Tool

TaRGeT automates a systematic approach for dealing with requirements and test artifacts in an integrated way. TaRGeT automatically generates test cases from use cases scenarios written in natural language. The use cases are written according to a Microsoft Word template, which was designed to contain the necessary information to specify the use cases and to generate the test procedures. Moreover, the tool also generates a traceability matrix between test cases, use cases and requirements. TaRGeT does not substitute the test engineers' role: the tool's main purpose is to help the engineers on the creation of test suites. For further information about TaRGeT, click here.

AF - Atoms Framework

AF relies on a black-box testing approach, based on automated test scenarios, for the detection of crashes in GUI applications. The framework provides an environment for the development of test scripts and the generation of test sequences (execution lists). For further information about AF, click here.

BxT - Behavior Explorator Tool

BxT is another technique whose goal is crashing the system with the automated generation and execution of GUI tests. It consists in the automatically verification of mobile aplications according crash properties. For further information about BxT, click here.

Test Case Selector and Classifier

Test Case Selector and Classifier is tool to stand by architect's work, improving their productivity and reducing time and costs. This tool provides the automatic generation of test plans using many architects criterion, like test result history, test class and others.For further information about Test Case Selector and Classifier, click here.
Topic revision: r2 - 2009-05-20 - EricaHori
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