
We set up annual workshops, in which our research projects are presented. Engineers from the other BTC centres are invited to attend and also to present their work. So far, three workshops have been organized. An overview of each workshop is presented below.

March 2007

Our third workshop introduced TaRGeT to the Motorolans. We presented TaRGeT’s main functionalities and described how its features can improve the testing process. A demonstration of the tool was given followed by a hands-on session, in which some Motorolans had the opportunity to evaluate the tool. Simultaneously to the hands-on, we had a poster session, in which the project members presented their researches. Further information about the workshop you can find here.

March 2006

The second workshop focused on describing our researches in an integrated way. Although we broke down the generation process and presented each work separately, we also emphasized the links between the presented works. Further information about the workshop can be found here.

September 2005

This workshop happened on September 5 and 6, 2005. The main purpose of this first workshop was to present the Research Project and its researches to Motorolans. Detailed information about workshop agenda and presentations you can find here.
Topic revision: r1 - 2009-04-09 - LeopoldoTeixeira
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