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Rodrigo Bonifácio

Ph.D Student

I have just concluded my Ph.D in Computer Science (more specifically in Software Engineering), working as a member of the Software Productivity Group (SPG).

Research interests:

  • Software product lines
  • Generative techniques (aspect-oriented programming, program transformations, domain specific languages)
  • Functional programming
  • Empirical studies in software engineering

My publications could be found at our research group web site, as well as the final version of my thesis. Bellow we provide accompanying material to some of our papers:

Advisor: Paulo Borba


  • rba2 [at] cin.ufpe.br
  • Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Informatics Center (CIn), Recife, PE, Brazil.


Topic revision: r5 - 2010-09-09 - RodrigoBonifacio
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