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Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc Casos_de_Uso_gavs_prga.doc manage 1079.0 K 2010-03-23 - 15:51 UnknownUser Casos de Uso RGMS_George-Paola_1.0
Microsoft Word filedoc Casos_de_Uso_verso_2.doc manage 1219.0 K 2010-04-06 - 11:23 UnknownUser Casos de Uso RGMS_George-Paola_2.0
Unknown file formatrar Fernando_Spanghero_-_RGMS_Extended_Source.rar manage 2802.9 K 2010-04-13 - 06:53 UnknownUser Fernando Spanghero - TAES - Extended RGMS Source
Microsoft Word filedoc Fernando_Spanghero_-_RGMS_Extended_Use_Cases.doc manage 185.5 K 2010-04-13 - 06:47 UnknownUser Fernando Spanghero - TAES - Extended RGMS Use Cases
Microsoft Word filedoc Fernando_Spanghero_-_RGMS_Use_Cases.doc manage 144.5 K 2010-04-13 - 06:45 UnknownUser Fernando Spanghero - TAES - RGMS Use Cases
Unknown file formatrar Fernando_Spanghero_-_TAES_-_RGMS_Source_.rar manage 2737.0 K 2010-04-13 - 23:31 UnknownUser Fernando Spanghero - TAES - RGMS Source
PNGpng Firefox_wallpaper.png manage 520.4 K 2010-10-08 - 00:09 UnknownUser  
Compressed Zip archivezip Projeto_v2_George_Paola.zip manage 1849.6 K 2010-04-14 - 01:55 UnknownUser RGMS _ Versão 2
Unknown file formatdocx RGMS-use-cases-Artifact.docx manage 48.8 K 2010-03-23 - 13:32 UnknownUser Documentos de Caso de Uso (RGMS) TAES-LPS2010.1
XMLxml UC_Document_MSVCM_RGMS.xml manage 21.5 K 2010-05-06 - 20:12 UnknownUser Use Case Com Advices
Compressed Zip archivezip projeto.zip manage 1849.6 K 2010-04-14 - 01:47 UnknownUser Projeto versão 2
Compressed Zip archivezip rgms-gavs_prga-entrega1.zip manage 1311.8 K 2010-03-24 - 00:19 UnknownUser Arquivo contendo classes do projeto - Java
Topic revision: r40 - 2010-11-25 - RafaelMarques
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