- Notation: responsible for the notation of the diagrams, could be Java or UML notation
- Guillemet: responsible for the guillemets ( “<<”, “>>” ) of the diagrams
- Icons: responsible for the icons that can be put on the node of the mind map
- Clouds: responsible for the clouds that can be put around the nodes
- Next Piece Box: responsible for showing the next piece box on the game
- EnvironmentLock: responsible for locking the data base
- Checksum: responsible for validating the checksum of the operations
- TruncateDB: responsible for allowing the truncate of databases
- DeleteOP: responsible for allowing the delete operation on databases
- LookAHead
- Evictor
House Structure:
- Dynamically turn off any calls back to the platform
Sales Scenario:
- Persistence Mechanism (In Memory, Database (implies Transaction Mechanism))
- Transaction Management (optional feature, requires Database)
- Distribution (optional feature)
- Complaint (different options, such as Animal, Food, and so on)
- ...
Some design rules implemented using ecesarj
have been detailed
Some design rules implemented using escala are explained
RodrigoBonifacio - 16 Aug 2010
RodrigoAndrade - 12 Aug 2010

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