Wanting to condense the main activities necessary to do SEO on WordPress and which you really must not give up, we can consider:

Topics and keywords; SEO optimization for mobile devices; The frequency of content publication; Content update; Size matters; Accessibility and user experience; Speed, everyone's goal. Topics and keywords Perhaps this is the most slippery part, the biggest mistake that those who are involved in SEO on WordPress (and not only) fall into. In fact, keywords are often considered as pieces to be placed more or less forcibly within a text. In reality, keywords are themselves a topic, a search intent, around which to build content. Indeed, it is more correct to speak of building a series of contents. Yes, because the work on keywords does not end with an article, but with constant work that develops that topic. Never before has there been a chance to find out which topics are most sought after, at what time of the year and how often. The problem is not what to write, but how. And that's the big talk about content quality that Google has been insisting on for years.-- GeorgeCht - 2020-12-28

Topic revision: r1 - 2020-12-28 - GeorgeCht
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