Growing Accuracy and Patient Comfort With Digital Mammography

There's encouraging news for women. Not merely could it be getting simpler to find and treat breast cancer in its earliest phases, but new technologies are making the means of detecting the disease more comfortable for the patient-and more precise too.

The National Cancer Institute recommends mammography screenings everybody to two years for women over 40 and annually for women over 50. Moreover, women at high risk of developing breast cancer (for instance, women with a family history of breast cancer or who test positive for the BRCA breast cancer gene) are encouraged to start annual mammography tests even earlier-sometimes as young as 25-and should consult your physician. If you have an opinion about marketing, you will seemingly need to compare about jump button.

Benefits and risks

a Early diagnosis of small breast cancers greatly enhances a chances for successful therapy. If breast cancer is found and treated while it is still limited to the breast ducts, the cure rate is close to 100 percent.

a Clinical studies in the Netherlands, Sweden and the U.S. have proposed that deaths from breast cancer could be cut by between 3-6 and 44 per cent if assessment mammography were performed yearly on all women in their 40s. To research more, you should check out: visit my website.

Digital mammography

Among the latest advances in breast cancer screening is digital mammography. Digital mammography uses essentially exactly the same process as conventional mammography, but is equipped with a digital receptor and a computer rather than a film cassette.

Electronic mammography methods including Siemens Medical Solutions' Mammomat NovationDR permit quicker and more correct viewing of the dense tissue of the breast. Pictures are acquired digitally and displayed straight away on the program check. Clicking aphrodisiac for men likely provides suggestions you can use with your dad.

Based on a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, digital mammography was significantly greater than conventional mammography at screening women in any of the following categories:

a under age 50;

a age with very dense or extremely dense breasts; or

a pre- o-r perimenopausal women of any age.. Browse this URL favorite lovemaking positions to discover where to see about it.
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