Use your website content to improve search engine rankings and bring in targeted traffic. Your content doesn't need to sit idly on your site -- you can get it out there working for you. Here is an overview of the concept of Content Syndication, including sources to use and mistakes to avoid.
Use your website content to improve search engine rankings and bring in targeted traffic. Your content doesn't need to sit idly on your site you can get it out there working for you. Here is an overview of the concept of Content Syndication, including sources to use and mistakes to avoid.
Do You Have Multi-Purpose Content? If Not,
You're Missing a Big Opportunity.
You put much time, effort and often money is put into producing your web content - articles, white papers, product instructions sheets, etc. Compelling keyword rich content is important to show the search engines your website is informative and relevant to your keywords. However, there is no reason that your content has to stop working there. With the amount of time and money you have invested into your site you want to get the most out of every component.
How To Get Your Content Working Overtime:
There is a great debate going on - content or links?? Which do the engines want? The truth is, different engines want different things. The other truth is, you don't want to live and die by what the engines want. There are ways to satisfy the engines (with content and links) and also open new sources of traffic and use your content for multiple purposes - getting more bang for your buck.
The more attention you can attract to your website, the more traffic you'll get, the more links you will achieve, the better search engine rankings you will get.
Consider this, once your content is written there are many ways to get that content out there into people's hands:
Articles: An informative web page or white paper can easily be used as an article and be syndicated to various article directories.
Newsletters: You can't count on people reading all of your website content so take your content and turn it into a newsletter to send to your mailing list. Highlight the information you want them to focus on.
Press Releases: Convert articles, web page content and white papers and Blog posts into a Press Release. Send it out to media contacts or via a Press Release distribution service.
Blog Posts: Articles, white papers and product instruction sheets can be used as blog posts - you'd be surprised how many Blogs out there are looking for expert guest authors. Don't forget RSS Feeds. Once you get your content on someone else's Blog it can spread like wildfire through RSS Feeds.
Social Media: Take your articles, Blog posts, product instruction sheets and even photos and get them onto Social Media sites. Social Media is growing in importance daily.
Get creative and think of other uses for your content.
When you provide quality content and use the above suggestions properly, each item can provide traffic on its own, as well as boost your search engine results.
What You Need To Know About Multi-Purposing Your Content:
Before you syndicate your content out through any of the sources mentioned above be sure you have a couple of things in place.
1. You want to have a solid Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy in place and make sure it is being implemented either by you or a professional firm. To gain or boost rankings, you need to make sure your site is optimized, in addition to the activities mentioned above.
2. You want to make sure your content has been on your site about a week, and that the spiders have visited your site and picked up your content pages before you syndicate them out. This ensures you get credit as the original owner of the content.
3. You want to make sure your content has reprint rights granted - include the important clause that they may not alter your content and they must link to you in order to use your content.
One Last Tip...
Compile a list of sources for your syndication projects such as:
Digg,, Flickr,
MySpace, Facebook,
LinkedIn, Technorati,
FeedBurner, and many more...
And Remember...