I Claudius (DVD) Review

Think history is boring? Reconsider that thought! I Claudius is proof that the educational film can also be one of many most widely used and entertaining series ever produced. A 1976 mini-series, starring many of the most commonly known theatrical performers of its day, I Claudius is one of, if not the, greatest shows chronicling the history of the Roman Empire. Addressing the period from the old age of Augustus's rule as the first emperor of Rome to the demise of Emperor Claudius, I Claudius requires a look at the social and political underpinnings and developments of the Roman Empire through the eyes of Claudius, an often neglected member of the emperor's family. To get another standpoint, people are encouraged to have a look at: wpengine.com site. An epic in the actual sense of the phrase, I Claudius must certanly be on every movie buff's seeing number

A young guy linked to the family distinct Emperor Augustus, Claudius is suffering from an unusual limp and a peculiar stutter which will make him be seemingly a simple-minded youth. But a keen intellect is maintained by Claudius, and he observes the events around him with careful accuracy. If you have an opinion about irony, you will possibly require to check up about team. While the end of Augustus's long reign as emperor approaches its end, the leader is in desperate search of an heir. But what he does not know is that his wife Livia is determined to see her daughter from a previous marriage, Tiberius, ascend to the throne. As such, Livia may stop at nothing to murder and ruin people who remain in the way - such as deserving and far more noble heir Germanicus. Through sinking, poisoning, and less simple means, she protects Tiberius becomes another in the distinct succession

Meanwhile, Claudius observes from the shadows as the formidable Sejanus (Patrick Stewart) conspires to obtain the throne and the notorious Caligula rises to power. To get different viewpoints, please consider peeping at: the internet. Claudius is forced upon the throne, when his general is killed because of his awful reign of insanity, and he attempts to recover the republic to its rightful place of power and rule with a firm hand of justice

Wrought with suspense, I Claudius can make its audiences problem how any man survived the time known as the ancient Roman Empire. The various affairs, double-crossings, and murders seem to be drawn from a fictional book entirely on pharmacy shelves - not in the pages of a brief history book. But I Claudius stays true to the published account of Roman Emperor Claudius who wrote his memoirs during the couple of years of his reign as the great chief of the maximum empire ever to occur on Earth. The effect is just a history more interesting than any book or picture because produced

With excellent theatrical performances by the complete solid (including Patrick Stewart as Sejanus), I Claudius can be an engrossing story concerning the true-to-life people and events that shaped the real history of ancient Rome. Like the popular prime-time soap opera Dallas, audiences are interested in the interest surrounding the various people without even realizing they are studying history in the process! As a certain must-see group of films given its historical accuracy, brilliant dialogue, and ingenious performances, I Claudius ranks. In fact, one of the top five best of all time.
Topic revision: r1 - 2014-05-01 - LeeanN388p
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