Quick Cars The American Muscle

In the 1960s there is a type of cars introduced to the world known as muscle cars. These vehicles were smooth and cool and contained a strong engine. Many of these vehicles featured a V-8 engine that was designed for speed. As these vehicles were made the producers were in stiff competition together. As each manufacturer tried to out-do the other, we were led into an era of some of the fastest cars of our time. Without any thought to fuel and energy efficiency, Americans was having the time of their lives. Their cars were rapid and eye-catching, both on the street and on the race track. Racing stripes and elegant decals made a statement about both the driver and the car. It seemed the flashier the vehicle the more attractive.

At a time once the luxury car was the king of the street for the married set, the younger group needed something smaller, quicker, and sportier. The Shelby Mustang and the 440 Roadrunner are two of the fast cars of built to satisfy the wish to have speed and powerful. There have been a lot more fast cars in the future. Camaros, Chargers, GTOs, and Firebirds all tried to group the maximum amount of punch under-the hood as was possible. Corvettes offered speed and smooth style, however they also had a top cost. Most of the other high-performance cars offered a cost that was affordable to the average working class people.

The Energy Impact

Through the 1960s and 70s auto manufacturers were riding high on a of performance and speed. Then we entered a time where we were told fuel was an issue and we were destroying the ozone with your luxurious vehicle emissions. We got to the streets with a V6 and a V4 and reluctantly let go of our fast and sporty cars. Fuel consumption and cheaper insurance charges compelled the fast cars onto the race track and off the roads.

The wish to have speed is going to be with us always. Dig up more on the affiliated paper - Click this web site: porche supercar. We will most likely never again view a time when speed and high performance applications are sold for your every single day street car but we might get a look of the cars at the raceway or at classic car shows. The baby boomers were around to see these vehicles at their inception and they still take a for them today. Many will spend a lot of money to revive one of these brilliant unique rapid vehicles back to their former splendor..
Topic revision: r1 - 2014-05-04 - LeeanN388p
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