Empirical Software Engineering


We are investigating ways to help researchers to perform empirical studies in general. We first start thinking about evaluating Aspect-Oriented Software Development techniques, mainly associated with software evolution. At this time we are also investigating Software Product Lines. Besides the processes, methods and techniques that might help/guide the researchers, we also plan to provide a considerable amount of information to be used. Examples of such information are: applications to be used at those studies, experimental plans of executed studies, and their results. We aim to have a body of knowledge allowing studies to co-relate their results.



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Emanoel Barreiros, Adauto Almeida Filho, Juliana Saraiva, and Sérgio Soares. A systematic mapping study on software engineering testbeds. In ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2011), Banff, Canada, September 2011. [ www: ]
Sérgio Soares, Emanoel Barreiros, Adauto Almeida Filho, Marcelo Moura, Uira Kulesza, Fernando Castor, and Eduardo Aranha. Towards a software product line assessment framework. In 2nd International Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Software Composition Techniques (ESCOT 2011) at ECOOP'11, Lancaster, UK, July 2011. [ www: ]
Juliana Saraiva, Sérgio Soares, and Fernando Castor. A metrics suite to evaluate the impact of aosd on layered software architectures. In 2nd International Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Software Composition Techniques (ESCOT 2011) at ECOOP'11, Lancaster, UK, July 2011. [ www: ]
Adauto Almeida, Emanoel Barreiros, Juliana Saraiva, and Sérgio Soares. Mechanisms to guide empirical studies in software engineering: A mapping study (in portuguese). In VIII Experimental Software Engineering Latin American Workshop (ESELAW 2011), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2011. [ www: ]
Fabio Silva, André Santos, Sérgio Soares, César França, Cleviton Monteiro, and Felipe Maciel. Six years of systematic literature reviews in software engineering: an updated tertiary study. Information and Software Technology, 2011. [ www: ]


Fabio Q. B. da Silva, André L. M. Santos, Sérgio Soares, A. César C. França, and Cleviton V. F. Monteiro. A critical appraisal of systematic reviews in software engineering from the perspective of the research questions asked in the reviews. In ACM/IEEE 4th Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement conference (ESEM 2010), Bolzano, Italy, September 2010. [ www: ]
Juliana Saraiva, Sérgio Soares, and Fernando Castor Filho. Assessing the impact of aop on layered software architectures. In 4th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2010), Copenhagen, August 2010. [ www: ]
Fabiano Ferrari, Rachel Burrows, Otávio Lemos, Alessandro Garcia, Nelio Cacho, Eduardo Figueiredo, Frederico Lopes, Nathalia Temudo, Liana Silva, Sérgio Soares, Awais Rashid, Paulo Masiero, Thais Batista, and José Carlos Maldonado. An exploratory study of fault-proneness in evolving aspect-oriented programs. In 32th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'10), Cape Town, May 2010. [ www: ]
Julio Taveira, Hítalo Oliveira, Fernando Castor Filho, and Sérgio Soares. On inter-application reuse of exception handling aspects. In Empirical Evaluation of Software Composition Techniques (ESCOT 2010), Workshop at AOSD 2010, Rennes, France, MArch 2010. [ www: ]


Julio Cesar Taveira, Cristiane Queiroz, Romulo Lima, Juliana Saraiva, Sergio Soares, Hitalo Oliveira, Nathalia Temudo, Amanda Araujo, Jefferson Amorim, Fernando Castor, and Emanoel Barreiros. Assessing intra-application exception handling reuse with aspects. In XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - SBES'09, Fortaleza-CE, Brazil, October 2009. To appear. [ .pdf ]
Carlos Eduardo Pontual, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Henrique Rebelo, Márcio Ribeiro, and Paulo Borba. Modularizing variabilities with caesarj collaboration interfaces. In 3rd Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization Techniques (ACoM'09) at ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (OOPSLA'09), Orlando, USA, October 2009. [ .pdf ]


Marcelo Moura, Sergio Soares, Fernando Castor Filho, Mario Monteiro, Alessandro Garcia, Phil Greenwood, Elliackin Figueiredo, and Diego Araujo. Towards a framework for guiding aspect-oriented software maintenance emirical studies. In OOPSLA'2008 Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization Techniques - ACoM'2008, Nashville, US, October 2008. [ .pdf ]
Mario Monteiro, Marcelo Moura, Sergio Soares, and Fernando Castor Filho. Towards an analysis of layering violations in aspect-oriented software architectures. In 3rd ECOOP Workshop on Aspects, Dependences, and Interactions - ADI'2008, Paphos, Cyprus, July 2008. [ .pdf ]
Eduardo Figueiredo, Nelio Cacho, Claudio Sant'Anna, Mario Monteiro, Uira Kulesza, Alessandro Garcia, Sergio Soares, Fabiano Ferrari, Safoora Khan, Fernando Filho, and Francisco Dantas. Evolving software product lines with aspects: An empirical study on design stability. In 30th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE'08, Leipzig, Germany, May 2008. [ .pdf ]


Philip Greenwood, Thiago Bartolomei, Eduardo Figueiredo, Marcos Dosea, Alessandro Garcia, Nelio Cacho, Claudio Sant'Anna, Sergio Soares, Paulo Borba, Uira Kulesza, and Awais Rashid. On the impact of aspectual decompositions on design stability: An empirical study. In 21st European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming - ECOOP'07, volume Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4609, pages 176-200, Berlin, Germany, July 2007. Springer-Verlag. [ .pdf ]
Philip Greenwood, Alessandro Garcia, Awais Rashid, Eduardo Figueiredo, Claudio Sant’Anna, Nelio Cacho, Americo Sampaio, Sergio Soares, Paulo Borba, Marcos Dosea, Ricardo Ramos, Uira Kulesza, Lyrene Fernandes, Thiago Bartolomei, Monica Pinto, Lidia Fuentes, Nadia Gamez, Ana Moreira, Joao Araujo, Thais Batista, Ana Medeiros, Francisco Dantas, Ana Luisa de Medeiros, Jan Wloka, Christina Chavez, Robert France, and Isabel Brito. On the contributions of an end-to-end aosd testbed. In Early Aspects: Workshop in Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design, affiliated with ICSE 2007, Minneapolis, USA, May 2007. [ .pdf ]
Philip Greenwood, Alessandro Garcia, Thiago Bartolomei, Sérgio Soares, Paulo Borba, and Awais Rashid. On the design of an end-to-end aosd testbed for software stability. In Workshop on Assessement of Aspect-Oriented Technologies (ASAT.07), affiliated with AOSD 2007, Vancouver, Canada, March 2007. [ .pdf ]

-- SergioSoares - 07 Jun 2011

29 Jan.

12 Feb.

26 Feb.

Topic revision: r1 - 2011-06-07 - SergioSoares
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