Research Areas and Projects


Aspect-Oriented Programming, Separation of Concerns, Refactoring

We are defining an implementation method that separates data management, distribution, and concurrency control concerns using Aspect-Oriented Programming. We are also working on patterns, guidelines and techniques for applying Aspect-Oriented Programming for providing adaptability for existent and novel systems. Refactorings for AspectJ are also being considered here. We are also concerned to design experimental studies in order to evaluate the defined methods, tecniques, and approaches.

Aspect-Oriented Programming and Software Product Lines

We are investigating how to model variability in a product-line architecture using Aspect-Oriented Programming techniques. The model addresses both functional and non-functional requirements and complies with quality standards. In particular, our approach aims at providing a method to instantiate a particular product in the line with AOP techniques. Tool support will also be provided to automate the process.

Empirical Software Engineering

We are investigating processes, methods, techniques and tools for supporting empirical studies in software engineering. The main objective is to develop a infrastructure that support researchers to define, plan, execute, analyze and store results of empirical studies in general. At this moment we call such structure Testbed.

Refactoring and Generative Programming

We are currently developing JaTS, a Java transformation system that supports user-defined program transformations. In this way, the user can define new refactorings and code generation templates using a declarative language for specifying the new transformations. An extension of JaTS for AspectJ is also being developed.

Refactoring and Formal Methods

Alloy is a declarative object-oriented modeling language similar to UML, yet simpler and clearer. It is based on first-order logic and relational theory, and amenable for fully automatic analysis. Our goals are defining and proving transformation laws for Alloy models, applying to widely-adopted model transformations as used in Refactorings and MDA (Model-Driven Architecture). In addition, we are investigating the mapping of these model transformations to Java program transformations, assuring the adequate correspondence between abstract models and code.

As part of the COOP project, we are also defining algebraic laws for a Java-like language and formally deriving refactorings from those laws.

Software Estimation Models

In association with Motorola Brazil, we are investigating how to estimate the effort needed to execute and automate tests for cell phone using historical data, statistical models and simulation methods. We are also investigating how to estimate the capability of current teams for doing these test activities.

In addition, we are investigating historical data in order to find relationships of software metrics (complexity, test coverage, etc.) and defect information (defect density, escaped defect, defect distribution, etc.). We intend to create models to optimize test efforts and minimize the estimated defect density.

Latin-America Research Network on Aspect-Oriented Software Development

Emergent Interfaces

Emergent Interfaces and Data-flow analysis for Software Product Lines

Features with Flexible Binding Times

Program Analysis Research

This research area is concerned with the investigation of techniques and tools that use program analysis (e.g., model checking, static analysis, and testing) to improve productivity in software engineering.

The focus of interest of our investigation is automated testing and debugging.

Testing is the dominant factor to the high cost of software enginneering. Test automation can reduce this cost and improve productivity.

Experiments with Software Product Line Testing

Assessing Semistructured Merge in Version Control Systems: A Replicated Experiment

-- MarcioRibeiro - 2014-02-20 -- PaolaAccioly - 15 Feb 2012 -- SergioSoares - 07 Jun 2011 -- MarcioRibeiro - 12 Jan 2011 -- MarcioRibeiro - 21 Dec 2010 -- LeopoldoTeixeira - 29 Apr 2008 -- PauloBorba - 10 Apr 2007 -- EduardoAranha - 08 Aug 2005 -- SergioSoares - 28 Jul 2005

Topic revision: r44 - 2015-06-23 - GuilhermeCavalcanti
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