Paulo Borba, Leopoldo Teixeira, and Rohit Gheyi.
A Theory of Software Product Line Refinement.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2012.
to appear.
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Paulo Borba, Leopoldo Teixeira, and Rohit Gheyi.
A theory of software product line refinement.
In 7th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of
Computing (ICTAC 2010), pages 15-43, Natal, Brazil, September 2010.
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Fernando Castor Filho, Alexander Romanovsky, and Cecilia Mary F. Rubira.
Improving the reliability of cooperative concurrent systems with
exception flow analysis.
Journal of Systems and Software, 82:874-890, 2009.
Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, Paulo Borba, and Augusto Sampaio.
A complete set of object modeling laws for alloy.
In Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF), pages xx-yy,
Gramado, Brazil, aug 2009.
Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
A complete and minimal set of algebraic laws for feature models.
In Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP), pages
129-143, Fortaleza, Brazil, aug 2008.
Tiago Massoni, Rohit Gheyi, and Paulo Borba.
Formal model-driven program refactoring.
In José Luiz Fiadeiro and Paola Inverardi, editors,
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 11th International
Conference, FASE 2008, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on
Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2008, Budapest, Hungary, March
29-April 6, 2008. Proceedings, volume 4961 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 362-376. Springer, 2008.
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Tiago Massoni, Rohit Gheyi, and Paulo Borba.
A framework for establishing formal conformance between object models
and object-oriented programs.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 195:189-209,
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Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
Formally introducing alloy idioms.
In Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF), pages 22-37,
Ouro Preto, Brazil, aug 2007.
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Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
A static semantics for alloy and its impact in refactorings.
Elsevier's Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
184:209-233, jun 2007.
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Rohit Gheyi, Vander Alves, Uira Kulesza Tiago Massoni, Paulo Borba, and Carlos
Theory and proofs for feature model refactorings.
Technical Report TR-UFPE-CIN-200608027, Federal University of
Pernambuco, 2006.
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Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
A theory for feature models in alloy.
In First Alloy Workshop, pages 71-80, Portland, United States,
nov 2006.
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Tiago Massoni, Rohit Gheyi, and Paulo Borba.
A formal framework for establishing conformance between object models
and object-oriented programs.
In Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF), pages
201-216, Natal, Brazil, sep 2006.
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Tiago Massoni, Rohit Gheyi, and Paulo Borba.
An approach to invariant-based program refactoring.
In Software Evolution through Transformations: Embracing the
Change, pages 91-101, Natal, Brazil, sep 2006.
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Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
Type-safe refactorings for alloy.
In Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF), pages
174-190, Porto Alegre, Brazil, nov 2005.
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Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
A rigorous approach for proving model refactorings.
In 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software
Engineering (ASE), pages 372-375, Long Beach, United States, nov 2005.
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Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
Formal refactorings for object models.
In OOPSLA'05: Companion to the 20th annual ACM SIGPLAN
conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and
applications (Student Research Competition), pages 208-209, San Diego,
United States, oct 2005.
Our work was ranked in the top 6 research work.
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Tiago Massoni, Rohit Gheyi, and Paulo Borba.
A model-driven approach to formal refactoring.
In OOPSLA'05: Companion to the 20th annual ACM SIGPLAN
conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and
applications (Poster Session), pages 124-125, San Diego, United States, oct
2005. ACM Press.
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Tiago Massoni, Rohit Gheyi, and Paulo Borba.
Formal refactoring for uml class diagrams.
In 19th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES),
pages 152-167, Uberlandia, Brazil, oct 2005.
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Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
An abstract equivalence notion for object models.
Elsevier's Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
130:3-21, may 2005.
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Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
An abstract equivalence notion for object models.
In Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF), pages 1-14,
Recife, Brazil, nov 2004.
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Paulo Borba, Augusto Sampaio, Ana Cavalcanti, and Márcio Cornélio.
Algebraic reasoning for object-oriented programming.
Science of Computer Programming, 52:53-100, oct 2004.
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Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, and Paulo Borba.
Basic laws of object modeling.
In Third Specification and Verification of Component-Based
Systems (SAVCBS), affiliated with ACM SIGSOFT 2004/FSE-12, pages 18-25,
Newport Beach, United States, oct 2004.
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Tiago Massoni, Rohit Gheyi, and Paulo Borba.
A uml class diagram analyzer.
In Third Workshop on Critical Systems Development with UML,
affiliated with UML Conference, pages 100-114, Lisbon, Portugal, oct 2004.
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Rohit Gheyi and Paulo Borba.
Refactoring alloy specifications.
In Sixth Brazilian Workshop on Formal Methods, pages 166-181,
Campina Grande, Brazil, oct 2003.
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Paulo Borba, Augusto Sampaio, and Márcio Cornélio.
A refinement algebra for object-oriented programming.
In 17th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
pages 457-482, Darmstadt, Germany, jul 2003.
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-- TiagoMassoni - 08 Feb 2008