Past Meetings 2003

Date Theme Leader
april 29 Practical Analysis for Refactoring - Chaps. 1 to 2 PauloBorba
may 06 Practical Analysis for Refactoring - Chaps. 3 to 4 PauloBorba
may 13 Practical Analysis for Refactoring - Chaps. 5 to 8 PauloBorba
may 20 Developing Adaptive J2ME Applications Using AspectJ AylaSouza
jun 03 An Analizable Annotation Language TiagoMassoni
jun 10 Scaling step-wise refinement VanderAlves
jun 17 A component architecture for an extensible, highly integrated context-aware computing infrastructure AylaSouza
jul 01 Experimental Design and Analysis in Software Engineering, Parts 1 and 2
Part 2
There is not a digital version of the Part 1 in the ACM web site. Shari Pfleeger. Design and Analysis in Software Engineering, Part 1: The Language of Case Studies and Formal Experiments, Software Engineering Notes (19):4, pages 16-20. October 1994.
jul 08 Experimental Design and Analysis in Software Engineering
Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
jul 15 Design pattern implementation in Java and aspectJ LeonardoCole
aug 5 Writing Good Software Engineering Research Papers PauloBorba
aug 19 Patterns, frameworks, and middleware: their synergistic relationships VanderAlves
aug 26 New directions on agile methods: a comparative analysis, by Pekka Abrahamsson et al. TiagoMassoni
sep 02 A type and effect system for atomicity. Cormac Flanagan, Shaz Qadeer. SergioSoares
sep 10 Reengineering a PC-based System into the Mobile Device Product Line
Supporting Evolution in Software using Frame Technology and Aspect-Orientation
sep 27 An Approach for Supporting Aspect-Oriented Domain Modeling VanderAlves
oct 01 The Adaptive Object-Model Architectural Style AylaSouza
oct 08 Refactoring Alloy Specifications RohitGheyi
oct 15 Static Composition of Refactorings LeonardoCole
oct 22 Use Cases and Aspects - Working Seamlessly Together SergioSoares
nov 5 Software Factories TiagoMassoni
nov 12 MDA: A Technical Perspective TiagoMassoni
nov 19 Introdução à Engenharia de Software Experimental SergioSoares
nov 26 A Comparison of Object Modelling Notations: Alloy, UML and Z RohitGheyi
dez 3 Modeling Crosscutting in Aspect-Oriented Mechanisms PauloBorba
dez 10 A Framework for Building Adaptive Distributed Applications and Developing Adaptive Distributed Applications: A Framework Overview and Experimental Results AylaSouza
dez 17 Mapping UML Designs to Java, by Harrison et al, IBM TJ Watson TiagoMassoni

-- SergioSoares - 31 May 2004

Topic revision: r2 - 2005-03-02 - AdelineSousa
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