2012 Meetings

Date Theme Leader
28/11 Uma abordagem para apoiar a realização de experimentos controlados em engenharia de software Marília Freire
21/11 Checking Contracts for AOP using XPIDRs and Safely Evolving a Product Population: The 101 Companies Case Study HenriqueRebelo e JeffersonAlmeida
14/11 Reconsidering Custom Memory Allocation FernandoCastor
07/11 SPLASH'2012 summary PauloBorba
10/10 ESEML - Empirical Software Engineering Modeling Language BrunoCartaxo
03/10 Grace: a new object-oriented educational programming language FernandoCastor
19/09 Safe Evolution of Product Populations LeopoldoTeixeira
12/09 Does Exception Handling Causes Bugs? FelipeEbert
15/08 An Empirical Study on the Usage of Java Concurrent Programming Constructs WeslleyTorres
27/06 Quality-aware Dynamic Software Product Lines: the Body Area Network Case VanderAlves
13/06 Supporting Configurability and Flexibility in Software Product Line Tool Development: the Hephaestus-PL Case RodrigoBonifacio
06/06 Making Software Product Line Evolution Safer FelypeSantiago
30/05 Global specifications of checked exceptions ThiagoSilva
23/05 Producing wrong data without doing anything obviously wrong! GustavoPinto
09/05 Model-Driven Engineering and Aspect-Oriented RE João Araújo
02/05 Os Desafios de Crescer: um Estudo de Caso da Plataforma de Educação a Distância Redu. Guilherme Cavalcanti
25/04 Finding Needles in a Haystack: Deriving a Metrics Catalog for Object-Oriented Software Maintainability EmanoelBarreiros
18/04 Will Software Engineering Ever Be Engineering? PauloBorba
11/04 AOSD'2012 report PauloBorba
14/03 Benefits and Barriers of User Evaluation in Software Engineering Research SergioSoares

-- FernandoCastor - 2013-01-24

Topic revision: r1 - 2013-01-24 - FernandoCastor
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