Date | Theme | Leader |
17/12 | Detecting conflicts using semistructured merge: A Replicated Experiment & Retrospectiva 2014 | GuilhermeCavalcanti & LeopoldoTeixeira |
03/12 | Inventing on Principle (Bret Victor) | LeopoldoTeixeira |
26/11 | Elixir - A modern approach to programming for the Erlang VM | Filipe Varjão |
19/11 | Construindo Softwares de Bioinformática para Análises Clínicas: Desafios e Oportunidades | Marcel Caraciolo |
12/11 | Software Developers’ Perceptions of Productivity | PaolaAccioly & HenriqueRebelo |
05/11 | Zipper-based Attribute Grammars and their Extensions | João Paulo Fernandes |
29/10 | SPLASH'2014 Highlights | AndreSantos, FernandoCastor, HenriqueRebelo, PauloBorba, SergioSoares |
08/10 | How Programming Languages Will Co-evolve with Software Engineering: A Bright Decade Ahead (FOSE'14) | FernandoCastor |
24/09 | Deadlocks as Runtime Exceptions | RafaelBrandao |
17/09 | How not to lie with statistics: The correct way to summarize benchmark results | GuilhermeCavalcanti |
10/09 | Detecting Anomalous Energy Consumption in Android Applications & Characterizing the Energy Efficiency of Java’s Thread-Safe Collections in a Multi-Core Environment | JoaoSaraiva & GustavoPinto |
27/08 | Privacy and Security Policies for Collaborative Crosscutting Tasks | RodrigoAndrade |
20/08 | Mining fine-grained code changes to detect unknown change patterns (ICSE'14) | PaolaAccioly |
13/08 | Support Mechanisms to Conduct Empirical Studies in Software Engineering | WaldemarNeto |
06/08 | How healthy are software engineering conferences? | LeopoldoTeixeira |
24/07 | Bidimensional Exception Interfaces | ThiagoSilva |
02/07 | Socio-Technical Coordination (ICSE'2014 keynote) | LeopoldoTeixeira |
18/06 | Uma Biblioteca Orientada a Aspectos para Modelagem de Simulações Sociais | FelipeOmena |
04/06 | Aumentando o Desempenho de Sistemas Intensivos em E/S Através da Execução Concorrente Destas Operações | SauloAraujo |
28/05 | Mining Questions About Software Energy Consumption | FernandoCastor |
07/05 | Together We Are Stronger: Facilitating the Conduction of Distributed Human-Oriented Experiments | WaldemarNeto |
30/04 | Deadlocks as Runtime Exceptions | RafaelLobo |
09/04 | Bringing Evidence About Collaboration Conflicts on Github Projects | PaolaAccioly |
26/03 | A Product Line of Theories for Reasoning About Safe Evolution of Product Lines | LeopoldoTeixeira |
19/03 | Secure and Modular Reasoning | RodrigoAndrade |
26/02 | Investigating Preprocessor-based Errors | MarcioRibeiro |