2018 Meetings

Date Theme Leader
19/12 50 Years of Software Engineering - IEEE Software Special Issue Multiple
12/12 50 Years of Software Engineering - IEEE Software Special Issue Multiple
05/12 Do Learners Really Know Best? Urban Legends in Education Paulo Borba & Leopoldo Teixeira
19/11 Applying PBL in Teaching Programming: an Experience Report Simone Santos
14/11 FAST Approaches to Scalable Similarity-based Test Case Prioritization Breno Miranda
31/10 Characterizing safe and partially safe evolution scenarios in product lines: An Empirical Study Karine Gomes
24/10 Comparing Semistructured and Structured Merge Guilherme Cavalcanti
10/10 What do software engineers care about? gaps between research and practice Leopoldo Teixeira
03/10 Identifying Confusing Code in Swift Programs Fernando Castor
26/09 Analyze this! 145 questions for data scientists in software engineering Paulo Borba
12/09 Testing Strategies for Smart Cities applications: A Systematic Mapping Study Alex Costa
05/09 Build and Test Conflicts in the Wild Leuson Mario
04/07 Semistructured Merge in JavaScript Systems Alberto Tavares
20/06 A Study on JavaScript Error Handling Luana Martins
13/06 ICSE'2018 discussion and trip report Marcelo, Paola & Paulo
06/06 Problemas de pesquisa reais de um instituto de inovação em engenharia de software Adriano Gomes
23/05 An Empirical Study to Characterize Safe and Partially Safe Evolution in Software Product Lines Karine Gomes
16/05 Understanding Confusion in Code Reviews Felipe Ebert
09/05 How Swift Developers Handle Errors Fernando Castor
02/05 Software development waste Paulo Borba
25/04 Predicting files related to a programming task based on acceptance tests Thais Rocha
18/04 Understanding Predictive Factors for Merge Conflicts Klissiomara Dias
11/04 The daily stand-up meeting: A grounded theory study Paulo Borba
04/04 The Case for Context-Driven Software Engineering Research Paulo Borba
Topic revision: r1 - 2019-03-15 - LeopoldoTeixeira
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