Model Refactoring

Composing the laws proposed, we can derive model refactorings that are useful, for instance, to formally introduce design patterns into a model.

  • Refactoring UML Models

The paper, accepted for the UML 2001 Conference, addresses behavior-preserving UML model transformations (model refactorings). The big problem is how to state that a transformation preserves behavior (hard to measure impact). The small tranformations proposed by the authors are strongly related to Rohit's current work.

  • Reasoning with UML Class Diagrams

This paper is commonly referenced by other work on formalizing UML. Accepted for Workshop on Industrial Strength Formal Specification Techniques, WIFT’98. It presents, based on Z, an abstract syntax (well-formed diagrams) and a semantics for UML class diagrams. The semantics is defined using an idea similar to what was done for Alloy (interpretation for a set of syntactic constructs). Next, the author shows some examples of transformations, which he states to be valid, although most common constraints of the models are simply ignored.


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