Felype Ferreira, Lais Neves, Michelle Silva, and Paulo Borba.
Target: a model based product line testing tool.
In I Congresso Brasileiro de Software (CBSoft 2010), Tools
Session, pages 1-4, Salvador, Brazil, Setembro 2010.
[ .pdf ]
Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Estimating manual test execution effort and capacity based on
execution points.
International Journal of Computers and Applications: Special
Issue on the International Summer School on Software Engineering, 31(3),
[ .pdf ]
Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Manualtest: Improving collection of manual test execution data in
empirical studies.
In 5th Experimental Software Engineering Latin America Workshop
(ESELAW 2008), Salvador, Brazil, November 2008.
[ .pdf ]
Eduardo Aranha, Filipe Almeida, Thiago Diniz, Vitor Fontes, and Paulo Borba.
Automated test execution effort estimation based on functional test
In Tools Session of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering (SBES 2008), Campinas, Brazil, October 2008.
[ .pdf ]
Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Using process simulation to assess the test design effort reduction
of a model-based testing approach.
In International Conference on Software Process 2008, Leipzig,
Germany, May 2008.
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Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Sizing system tests for estimating test execution effort.
In 22st International Annual Forum on COCOMO and
Systems/Software Cost Modeling, Los Angeles, USA, November 2007.
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Sidney Nogueira, Emanuela Cartaxo, Dante Torres, Eduardo Aranha, and Rafael
Model based test generation: A case study.
In 1st Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software
Testing (SAST 2007), Recife, PE, Brazil, October 2007.
[ .pdf ]
Dante Torres, Sidney Nogueira, Emanuela Cartaxo, Eduardo Aranha, Paulo Borba,
Flavia Barros, Patricia Machado, Augusto Sampaio, and Alexandre Mota.
Brazil test center research group.
In 1st Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software
Testing (SAST 2007), Recife, PE, Brazil, October 2007.
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Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Empirical studies of test execution effort estimation based on test
characteristics and risk factors.
In 2nd International Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software
Engineering (IDoESE 2007), Madrid, Spain, September 2007.
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Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
An estimation model for test execution effort.
In 1st International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering
and Measurement (ESEM 2007), Madrid, Spain, September 2007.
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Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Test effort estimation models based on test specifications.
In Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference - Practice And
Research Techniques (TAIC PART 2007), Windsor, UK, September 2007.
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Eduardo Aranha, Paulo Borba, and Jose Lima.
Model simulation for test execution capacity estimation.
In 17th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability
Engineering (ISSRE 2006), North Carolina, USA, November 2006.
[ .pdf ]
Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Test execution effort and capacity estimation.
In 17th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability
Engineering (ISSRE 2006), North Carolina, USA, November 2006.
Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Measuring test execution complexity.
In 2nd Intl. Workshop on Predictor Models in SE (PROMISE 2006),
co-located with the 22nd IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'06),
Pennsylvania, USA, September 2006.
[ .pdf ]
Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Web systems acceptance tests and code generation.
In Workshop on Testing in XP, in conjunction with the 3rd
International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in
Software Engineering (XP'2002), pages 39-42, Sardinia, Italy, May 2002.
Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Uma linguagem para testes de aceitacao de sistemas web.
In VI Simposio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programacao, Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil, Maio 2002.
(in portuguese).
Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba.
Testes e geracao de codigo de sistemas web.
In XVI Simposio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, pages
114-128, Gramado, Brasil, Outubro 2002.
(in portuguese).