V. Alves, R. Gheyi, T. Massoni, U. Kulesza, Paulo Borba, C. Lucena. Refactoring Product Lines. 5th ACM International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'06)
Paulo Borba, Leopoldo Teixeira, Márcio Ribeiro. Definição e Implementação de Linguagens Específicas de Domínio (Defining and Implementing Domain-Specific Languages, in portuguese). Short Course of the Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice, September 27 - October 01, 2010 - Salvador, BA - Brasil (pdf)
[Empirical Software Engineering]
Eduardo Aranha, Cristiano Ferraz, Paulo Borba. Projeto de Experimentos em Engenharia de Software (Design of Experiments in Software Engineering, in portuguese). Tutorial of the XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, October 05-09, 2009 - Fortaleza, CE - Brasil (pdf)
Rohit Gheyi.
A formal framework for establishing conformance between object models
and object-oriented programs.
Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF), September 2006.
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Rohit Gheyi.
An approach to invariant-based program refactoring.
Software Evolution through Transformations: Embracing the Change,
September 2006.
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Rohit Gheyi.
Basic laws of object modeling.
Third Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems
(SAVCBS), affiliated with ACM SIGSOFT 2004/FSE-12, October 2004.
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Tiago Massoni.
A uml class diagram analyzer.
Third Workshop on Critical Systems Development with UML, affiliated
with UML Conference, October 2004.
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Paulo Borba.
A refinement algebra for object-oriented programming.
17th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), July
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Alberto Costa Neto. Specifying Design Rules in Aspect-Oriented Systems. 1st Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development LA-WASP´2007, October 15-16, 2007 - João Pessoa, Paraíba - Brasil (pdf)
Sérgio Soares. Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Aspectos: Será que vai pegar?. C.E.S.A.R's Seminars. 05/09/2007. C.E.S.A.R, Recife-PE, Brazil. (pdf)
Alberto Costa Neto, Márcio de Medeiros Ribeiro, Marcos Dósea, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Paulo Borba, and Sérgio Soares. Semantic Dependencies and Modularity of Aspect-Oriented Software. In 1st Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization Techniques (ACoM'07), in conjunction with the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'07), Minneapolis, USA, May 2007
Alberto Costa Neto. Declaring Static Crosscutting Dependencies in AspectJ. 3rd Brasilian Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (WASP'06) at SBES'06 (pdf). Florianópolis-SC, Brazil, 17/10/2006.
Sérgio Soares. Aspect-Oriented Programming. Sun Tech Days 2006. April 11, 2006. ITEP, Recife-PE, Brazil. (pdf)
Leonardo Cole and Paulo Borba. Deriving Refactorings for AspectJ. In 4th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development - AOSD'05. Chicago, USA, March 2005 (ppt).
Leonardo Cole and Paulo Borba. Deriving Refactorings for AspectJ.OOPSLA �04: Companion to the 19th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications. Poster Session. October 2004, pp. 202�203, ACM Press (extended abstract).
Leonardo Cole. RUP Based Analysis and Design with Aspects at XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES'04) (pdf). Brasília-DF, Brazil, 22/10/2004.
Leonardo Cole. Using Programming Laws to Modularize Concurrency in a Replicated Database Application. 1st Brasilian Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Develpment (WASP'04) at SBES'04 (pdf). Brasília-DF, Brazil, 18/10/2004.
Sérgio Soares. Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Aspectos utilizando RUP e AspectJ (pdf). Tutorial do SBES 2004, Brasília-DF, 20/10/2004.
Sérgio Soares. SPG - Software Productivity Group (ppt). Semana de Iniciação Científica (SIC), Recife-PE, 16/06/2004.
Ayla Souza. Developing Adaptive J2ME Applications Using AspectJ (ppt). 7th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, SBLP'2003, Ouro Preto, Brazil, 28th May 2003.
Testing and Estimation Models
Eduardo Aranha and Paulo Borba. Test Execution Effort and Capacity Estimation. The 21st International Forum on COCOMO and Software Cost Modeling. November 7-9, Herndon, Virginia, USA, 2006.
Paulo Borba. Construção de software e suas linguagens. August 10, 2006. FBV, Recife-PE, Brazil. (ppt)