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Next Meeting
Date and Time: August 5th 2003, 1:30pm
Location: Meeting Room 2
Leader: PauloBorba
Theme: Writing Good Software Engineering Research Papers, by Mary Shaw
Download: WritingGoodSoftwareEngineeringPapersShaw2003.pdf
O formato das reuniões e as metas de inclusão de cada reunião estão armazenadas no tópico
Temas Relacionados Futuros
- Paper: Revisiting Information Hiding: Reflections on Classical and Nonclassical Modularity Klaus Ostermann, Paolo G. Giarrusso, Christian Kästner, and Tillmann Rendel. In Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP). Líder: Leopoldo ou Henrique
- Papers recomendados pela Liskov: Go to statement considered harmful; program development by stepwise refinement; the connection between modules are the assumptions which the modules make about each other; a design methodology for reliable - liskov; definition mechanisms in extensible languages; hierarchical program structures; protection in programming languages; global variable considered harmful; programming with ADTS; exception handling: issues and a proposed notation; data abstraction and hierarchy; the polymorphic lambda calculus
- Essay: William Cook. On understanding data abstraction
- Detecting Software Modularity Violations:
- The Geneva convention on the treatment of object aliasing:
SergioSoares - 2012-06-18 -
FernandoCastor - 07 Aug 2011 --
LeopoldoTeixeira - 18 Jul 2011 --
MarcosDosea - 09 Nov 2007 --
MarcosDosea - 02 Oct 2007 --
MarcioRibeiro - 06 Jul 2006 --
IvanCardim - 02 Jun 2006 --
IvanCardim - 01 Jun 2006 --
AlbertoNeto - 25 May 2006 --
RodrigoAlmeida - 10 May 2006 --
AlbertoNeto - 27 Apr 2006 --
AlbertoNeto - 17 Feb 2006 --
PauloBorba - 30 Oct 2005 --
GustavoSantos - 26 Otc 2005 --
AlbertoNeto - 24 Otc 2005 --
TiagoMassoni - 12 Oct 2005 --
AlbertoNeto - 10 Otc 2005 --
TiagoMassoni - 04 Apr 2005