AspectJ based Idioms for Flexible Feature Binding In this webpage, we provide all the source code we used. All the projects are hosted in github, therefore it is ...
Aspect Oriented Programming, Separation of Concerns, Refactoring Description We are defining an implementation method that separates data management, distribution ...
Bibliography of the Aspect Oriented and Product Line subgroup AOSD Bibliography Software Product Line Bibliography WebTopicEditTemplate PackageMeetings ...
Assessing Idioms for Feature Flexible Binding Time In Software Product Lines, it is sometimes important to provide flexible binding time for features so that one can ...
Understanding Merge Conflicts Characteristics (Website under construction) Abstract Previous studies show that merge conflicts frequently occur in collaborative development ...
SPG Annual Gathering Serrambi 2006 Maragogi 2005 Maragogi 2003 Other major attractions around here Forró in Brazil: Under a Full Moon, Dancing to the Beat ...
Intraprocedural Data flow Analysis for Software Product Lines Abstract: Software product lines (SPLs) developed using annotative approaches such as conditional compilation ...
Emergent Interfaces and Data flow Analysis for Software Product Lines Intra Procedural Data flow Analysis for Software Product Lines Abstract: Software product ...
Emergent Interfaces Feature Maintenance with Emergent Interfaces Márcio Ribeiro, Borba, and Kästner. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering ...
Emergo Introduction Features in product lines eventually share elements between them, which might break feature modularization, since modifications in a feature result ...
Empirical Software Engineering Description We are investigating ways to help researchers to perform empirical studies in general. We first start thinking about evaluating ...
Comparing Two Black Box Testing Strategies for Software Product Lines Abstract: Software Product Line (SPL) testing has been considered a challenging task, mainly ...
Empirical Assessment of Two Approaches for Specifying Software Product Line Use Case Scenarios SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Abstract: Modularity benefits, including ...
Flexible feature binding with AspectJ based idioms In Software Product Lines (SPL), we can bind reusable features to compose a product at different times, which in ...
Research Areas and Projects (Português) Aspect Oriented Programming, Separation of Concerns, Refactoring We are defining an implementation method that separates data ...
Related Research We collaborate with people in the following groups: Software Design Group (MIT) Naumann's group (Stevens Institute) Jeff Gray's group ...
Theses and Dissertations nop PhD Theses Guilherme Cavalcanti. Should We Replace Our Merge Tools? nop PhD thesis, Informatics Center, Federal University of ...
Boas Práticas para Apresentações Quando estiver apresentando trechos de código, é melhor colocá los em caixinhas, com auto formas comentando a respeito deles ...
Related Events In addition to the major events related to the group, we consider also the following events which are more closely related to this project: SBMF ...
Rohit Gheyi Refactorings are usually proposed in an ad hoc way because it is hard to guarantee their soundness with respect to a formal semantics. In practice, even ...
Dicas de desenvolvimento Haskell Nessa área do Twiki são postadas alguamas dicas para o desenvolvimento Haskell, que podem ser úteis para quem está se familiarizando ...
Past Meetings 2008 Date Theme Leader 05/03 On the Benefits of Variability Management as Crosscutting (research status presentation) RodrigoBonifacio ...
Goal Increase productivity with the automation of program analysis activities (typically performed manually). Specifically, our goal is to improve the automation ...
Áreas de Pesquisa e Projetos (English, Please!) Programação Orientada a Aspectos, Separação de Preocupações, Refactoring Estamos definindo um método de implementa ...
Components Our laws can be used to reason, based on syntactic conditions, whether two specifications are equivalent. Specification Matching of Software Components ...
Model Refactoring Composing the laws proposed, we can derive model refactorings that are useful, for instance, to formally introduce design patterns into a model ...
Prototype Verification System (PVS) PVS is a system consisting of a specification language and a theorem prover. We are using it to encode an equivalence notion for ...
UML and OCL We leveraged our laws proposed for Alloy to UML/OCL. In order to do that, we proposed a semantics for UML Class Diagrams using Alloy as the semantics model ...
Reporting Unsafe Dynamic Feature Compositions To support client requirements that change at runtime within software product lines, researchers introduced some AspectJ ...
Sample Systems Observations: The number of commits from each project below was collected from Github on 02/09/2015; The size of the projects described described ...
Modeling Scenario Variability as Crosscutting Mechanisms (MSVCM) This is a new approach for representing (use case) scenario variabilities. MSVCM, differently from ...
Assessing Semistructured Merge in Version Control Systems: A Replicated Experiment Cavalcanti, Accioly, and Borba. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on ...
Software and Processes nop 1. JaTS Java Transformation System Object oriented analysis and design methods are used more and more in practice. On the other ...
Talks and Posters Domain Specific Languages Empirical Software Engineering Refactoring and Formal Methods Aspect Oriented Software Development, Separation of Concerns ...
Passos para atualizar home page do nop GENTeS 1) Ao escolher o tema, verificar a agenda para evitar possíveis conflitos com temas previamente definidos, além de obedecer ...
Test Execution Effort Estimation Tool More information about the tool license, examples of use and download files are available at ...
A Theory of Software Product Line Refinement Paulo Borba, Leopoldo Teixeira, Rohit Gheyi Abstract for ICTAC'2010 To safely derive and evolve a software product line ...
/logoSPG.jpg The Software Productivity Group is a research group that investigates and develops tools, techniques and processes for improving software development ...
Related Topics: GnuSkin, GnuSkinPlugin, GnuSkinPluginDev, GnuSkinInstall, .TWikiPreferences, .TWikiPlugins nop WebMenu This topic serves as the configuration of ...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this SPG web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come ...
SPG Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the SPG web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be overwritten ...
nop GENTeS (Future themes and guidelines) What is it? nop GENTeS (Grupo de Estudos sobre Novas Tecnologias de Software) is a study group in the Informatics Center ...