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This will show your attitude because we provide you best list of attitude Status in English with images. If you want to update your new status for more likes and attension then you must read our article to get our awesome collection of facebook status and express your attitude on your facebook profile. Here is five fb status you must read here: -

It's hard to get to know me. I do not smoke.

I cannot say that I am prettier or slimmer. I'm simpler. That's all.

One day I woke up and forgot to think about you.

Hug me, I need it, and we will tell others that there is friendship between us.

Remember one thing, I have no friends. Friends come and go; I have lost my ability to trust people. I have a family. You are either part of my family, or just an outsider.

Find more: Attitude status in English

Topic revision: r1 - 2021-02-05 - IamfrankMichael
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