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Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine Specializes in Chronic Painful Arthritis

Do you know the Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine is a specialized product for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain, back pain treatment, shoulder aches, degenerative spine, cervical vertebrae, drainage disc taste, catastrophe, paralysis in one place for a long time…. In addition, diseases such as vestibular disorders, allergic rhinitis sinusitis are also treated effectively and safely by Royal 88 Multifunction Physiotherapy Machine.

More details here: https://chamsocsuckhoeviet.com.vn/may-vat-ly-tri-lieu-royal-88/

Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine Specializes in Pain Treatment
Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine

Do you know that the Royal 88 machine is a State-level product, granted the Certificate of product registration in Vietnam by the Ministry of Health - Department of Equipment & CTYT. Not only that, but this is also the choice of many medical facilities, households for effective treatment of musculoskeletal diseases for us.

Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine Means Great For Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain
“Youth sell health and make money
Old age spend money to buy health "

At the same time, this is a very correct sentence for the elderly, when the motor functions, the organ systems, bones and joints in the body are gradually dry, easily cracked, the body has no nutrients and resistance. , the sebum in the muscular joints is exhausted, that's when the pain appears, with increasing intensity, faster and easier to cause the elderly to collapse, dangerously their health.
Can we be in the situation of the elderly, the elderly, you can absorb the pain they are suffering. That pain is compared to thousands and thousands of needle stabbing into the flesh, making the elderly always grimace, have trouble sleeping, eat poorly, have poor mobility, weak walking, long time will lead to muscle atrophy Malnutrition or paralysis is very pitiful, right.
Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine Specializes in Pain Treatment
The elderly often experience chronic painful osteoarthritis
You see, the diseases are not completely eliminated, but if you stop thinking, the pain will come back very quickly. Therefore, patients need to regularly go to medical facilities or oriental medicine clinics, for prompt treatment. This causes a lot of problems for children and grandchildren because they are busy working, going to school, and also spend a lot of money for the safest travel and medical examination.

It may seem difficult for us to treat illnesses at home, but in fact, it is quite easy and highly effective if you have the tools and follow the safe instructions for use.
You know, the Royal 88 Physiotherapy machine is treated as a home physiotherapist. It is a combination of functions and components of electric pulse massage machines, electrotherapy machines, oriental medicine bundles, allergic rhinitis sinusitis machines, vestibular disorders.
It can be said, Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine is a 5-in-1 synthetic product with functions such as:
Electric Pulse Massage
Electrotherapy pulse
Traditional medicine combined with thermal effects to treat pain thoroughly up to 80%
Treating vestibular disorders, insomnia, chronic difficulty sleeping
Treatment of allergic rhinitis, sinusitis ...
Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine includes ingredients?
Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine includes parts:

1 server
2 sets of bandages
8 bags of herbal medicine An Phuc Binh
2 Electric pulse wire.
4 pieces of electrical impulse stickers
1 pair of pulsed sandals
1 I-On Pole, comes with electric tester
1 laser pole comes with 1 anti-laser glass
1 year warranty card
1 instruction manual
1 shockproof suitcase

Electric Pulse Massage Of The Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine
Royal 88 physical therapy electric pulse machine you know it has a powerful effect in supporting pain treatment, helping the patient to relieve pain quickly, with the main activity of the pulse patches that are applied directly to the painful area. , each patch can impact on the surrounding area from 10 - 20cm, the electric massage function of the machine will be the necessary tool to relieve pain immediately and as quickly as possible.
Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine Specializes in Pain Treatment
Royal 88 Physiotherapy Machine with electrical pulse function
At the same time, under the influence of moderate current, acting on pulse sandals, very good in the treatment of diseases of rheumatism, leg pain, palm pain, leg fatigue, knee fatigue, supportive thoroughly treatment diseases of sprains, dislocations, impaired veins, blood fat, diabetes ... Under the effect of pulses, each blood is impacted to circulate blood, muscles are dilated, Blood fat is reduced under the powerful effect of impulses, preventing blood fat from adhering to the walls of our arteries.
The electrotherapy pulse acts directly on the pain area
You know, the Royal 88 multifunctional physiotherapy machine in addition to the electric pulse massage function, a highly effective function in the treatment of osteoarthritis pain, rehabilitation after the accident is electrotherapy. .
If we see electric pulse massage to help the elderly, the sick relieve muscle pain, joint pain quickly, sick people

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