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How are the procedures for importing and exporting TAPE TILES according to current regulations? Currently on the Vietnamese market, imported ceramic tiles still account for a large market share. Facing increasing demand from customers, import of paving bricks is a problem that many businesses are concerned about. So the process and procedures for importing paving bricks like? The answer will be shortly!

HS code of paving bricks - Procedures for importing and exporting TAPE TILES
Procedures for importing and exporting paving bricks

Procedures for importing and exporting paving bricks

For any product, the first thing businesses need to know is to look up their products with any HS code. From there, businesses will know exactly the policies and tax obligations to be implemented.

Procedures for importing and exporting paving bricks

Pursuant to Circular 19/2019 / TT-BXD: Promulgating national technical regulations on products and goods of building materials. Accordingly, enterprises, units producing building materials in the country or having activities to import building materials into Vietnam are required to do construction material conformity certification.

See also: Import and export procedures for used machinery
Procedures for certification of conformity - Procedures for importing and exporting TUBE TILES

After the goods arrive, the enterprise will be responsible for preparing the dossier together with the receipt of regulation conformity and preparing a letter asking for bringing the goods to the preservation warehouse, then sampling for testing.

Normally, after 3 working days, enterprises will receive the results of conformity certification. Next, the enterprise will do the customs clearance for the shipment, affix the conformity stamp on the product before selling it on the Vietnamese market.
Customs declaration - Procedures for importing and exporting TUBE TILES

Take the goods to the storage warehouse and report to the inspecting party to take samples - Procedures for importing and exporting TAPE TILES

After completing the application for registration of inspection and maintenance

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Topic revision: r1 - 2020-12-21 - SacoInc4
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