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Nothing is more disturbing than seeing a jammed drain mouth after enjoying a wholesome shower in the morning. The whole happy mood turns into disgust and awe, and then you have to clean the mess! But instead of keep repenting over bad drainage, it is high the time to change your drain mouth. California Faucets presents Pop-Down Style Lavatory Drain- a state of the art single unit drainage mouth for both overflow and extreme overflow applications. This fixture comes with a beautiful steel body and the drain mouth is exceptionally designed so that no mess gets a chance to stay stuck and make a blockage. Pop-Down Style Lavatory Drain by California Faucets comes with finished upper flange and stopper in 2-1/4" diameter. It has a tailpiece measuring 1-1/4" OD X 4" and the total below sink length is 6-1/2". When a thin sink spacer is used. the length is prolonged up to 7 inches. If you are opting for a thicker application, the maximum installation thickness would be 2 Inches. The Pop-Down Style Lavatory Drain also has an additional longer tailpiece. If you are looking for widespread faucet with lift knob & rod, you are recommended to add LR-RET.
Topic revision: r1 - 2020-06-04 - PlumbingDeals
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