In this activity, students should evolve the reference specifications (
MSVCM) of a financial SPL, according to a set of change requests
cenários de mudança 02. The application domain allows users to perform bank transactions, such as withdraws, transfers, and stock management- a previous activity used the same SPL. For each change request, a student must:
- identify the CR impact into the SPL reference specification
- update the SPL reference specification
- update the configuration model (if the student is using the MSVCM technique)
It is important to notice that the impact of each CR varies. Therefore, some CRs involve just the inclusion of a new scenario into the reference specification. On the other hand, other CRs demand updates into existing scenarios' steps of the reference specifications. The rational for the CRs may also vary: some CRs are motivated by the need for a better clarification of the steps; whereas other CRs might be motivated by a change in the SPL scope (which might also reflect on changes into the feature model). Moreover, you should remember that, in PLUSS, optional scenarios and steps must be annotated with their related features. Differently, in MSVCM, the configuration knowledge asset is used to related feature expressions to the variability resolution through the transformations
select scenario,
evaluate advice and
bind parameters.
Feature Model
As explained, some CRs might have been motivated by changes of the SPL scope. Nevertheless, students don't have to change the feature model, since such a changes have been introduce into the feature model bellow, as well as into the system configurations.
The following workflow should be used to conduct this activity. It is important to log into the system and check whether the available project correctly describes the reference specification (either in PLUSS or MSVCM). Moreover, after concluding this activities, the students should logout the system.
In this activity, we will not discuss about possible design solutions. We will only answer questions about the CRs and the tools usage.
Distribution of the techniques
- The following students must use the MSVCM technique and the corresponding reference specification
- ppn
- ebaf
- jefl
- bsmca
- rma5
- dcl
- gvc
- bav
- The following students must use the PLUSS technique and the corresponding reference specification
- csf
- fad
- rlb
- tob
- faas
- lbm4
- mgr
- tjcps
RodrigoBonifacio - 05 Oct 2011