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Security Module of Smart Home

This document specifies use cases for the Security Module (SM) of Smart Home. Several configurations (or instances of this product line) are specified here. The goal is to read such specifications (or use case scenarios) and try to identify its common and variant elements. After that, these scenarios, which are not well modularized in this document, should be restructured using one specific approach for describing variabilities in use cases scenarios (PLUSS or Crosscutting).

In order to perform this work, we suggest the following sequence of activities:

  1. Read the different configurations of Smart Home Security Module
  2. Identifies the common and variable elements of the specification
  3. Represent a feature model describing the common and variant features
  4. Create instances of the feature model representing each configuration
  5. Restructure the product specific scenarios, generating a SPL use case model
  6. Relate features in the feature model to the scenarios in the use case model

The first activities are independent of the approach used for specifying variabilities in use case scenarios. On the other hand, activities (v) and (vi) are dependent of the selected approach.

For each activity, we expect the following outputs:

  1. Description of the technique applied in the execution.
  2. The amount of time required to perform the activity.

Overview of the Security Module

The SM offers one of the most expected subset of features for smart home configurations. It is responsible for detecting, notifying, and dealing with several security issues, such as intrusion and firing. This module can be customized in several ways, enabling the execution of different actions for each kind of event.

This module requires interaction with sensors for intrusion, presence, and fire detection; and may interact with different partners (police department, fireguard department, and so on) for dealing with each specific issue. Also, the system may provide different management mechanisms, both locally as remotely mechanisms, and provides different interfaces with the home owner.

Figure 1 depicts a high level view of SM use cases (just a scratch of the use case model). Then, in later sections, we describe detailed specifications of such use cases for different versions (products) of this module.


Figure1: Security module use cases


Home Owner: Represents the home owner, being responsible for configuring the whole module.

Inhabitant: Represents an inhabitant of the smart home, which requires access for get in the home and also might configure policies for specific environment. Police and Fireguard Departments: Represent external systems that this module might interact in order to notify specific events.

Independent Fire Control System: Represent a third-part system responsible for handling with burn accidents. The full description of this system is out of the scope of this document.

Presence and Fire Sensors: Represent the devices used for detecting intrusion and fire issues.

Use cases

Configure Security Management: This use case allows the owner of a smart home to configure the security module behavior. Several characteristics may be configured, such as access policies, presence information, and so on.

Request Access to the Home: This use case allows a registered inhabitant of the smart home to enter into the house. Different techniques of controlling the inhabitant access can be deployed.

Configure Access to Specific Environments: This use case allows the configuration of access rules to specific environments. In order to change the access rules of a specific environment, an inhabitant must have sufficient privileges.

Intrusion Detection: This use case is responsible for catching any attempt to intrude the smart home. Several events are used to characterize this kind of attempt, such as doors and windows breaking.

Intrusion Detection: This use case is responsible for catching any attempt to intrude the smart home. Several events are used to characterize this kind of attempt, such as doors and windows breaking. If one of this events occurs, several actions might be triggered (lock the child bedroom doors, for instance).

Presence Detection: This use case is responsible for catching presence information when the house should be empty. If this event occurs, several actions might be triggered (place a call to the police department, for instance).

Fire Detection: This use case is responsible for identifying presence of fire or smoke inside the smart home.

In what follows, scenarios for three different configurations of this smart home module are described. It is important to notice that such descriptions are not well modularized, existing a high degree of duplication.

First Configuration

UC01- Configure Security Management

Description: This use case allows the owner of a smart home to configure the security module behavior. Several characteristics may be configured, such as access policies, presence information, and so on.

Scenario SC01 - Register Inhabitant

Description: This scenario allows the owner of the system to register new home inhabitants. In this way, the policies for entrance in the home are applied for them.

Precondition: The home owner is logged in the Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the register inhabitant option in the security configuration menu. The inhabitant personal form is displayed.
The home owner fills in the inhabitant personal form and selects the proceed option. The system requires the inhabitant password (and password confirmation) for getting access to the home.
The new inhabitant fills in the password (and confirmation password) for home access. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system register the new inhabitant, allowing he (she) to access the smart house.

Scenario SC02 – Defines the home state

Description: This scenario allows the owner of smart home to change the house state .

Precondition: The home owner is logged in the Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the set home state option in the security configuration menu. The home state form is displayed, requiring the selection of one of the available states (house not empty, house empty)
The home owner selects one of the configured states. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system updates the home state and activates the corresponding intrusion and presence policies.

Scenario SC03 – Define policies for home state

Description: This scenario allows the owner of smart home to change the policies for a specific home state.

Precondition: The home owner is logged in the Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the configure policies for home state option in the security configuration menu. The home state form is displayed, requiring the selection of one of the available states (house not empty, house empty)
The home owner selects one of the available states. The home state policy form is displayed, requiring: list of notification numbers, audio message, and text message.
The home owner fills in the requested information. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system updates the home state and activates the corresponding intrusion and presence policies.

Scenario SC04 – Define rights for inhabitants

Description: This scenario allows the owner of smart home to change the rights for registered inhabitants, such as defining which home environments an inhabitant can configure access.

Precondition: The home owner is logged in he Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the configure rights for inhabitant option in the security configuration menu. The select an inhabitant form is displayed, requiring the selection of one of the registered inhabitants.
The home owner selects one of the registered inhabitants. The inhabitant rights form is displayed, requiring the home owner to inform if the inhabitant is able to entering in the house and which environments of the house the inhabitant can change the access control.
The home owner fills in the requested information. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system updates the inhabitant rights and activates the corresponding policies.

UC02- Request Access to Home

Description: This use case allows a registered inhabitant of the smart home to enter into the house. Different means of controlling the inhabitant access can be deployed.

Scenario SC01 - Request Access to Home

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to enter into the house.

Precondition: -

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant request access to the home at the main entrance. The system requests to the user to pass the smart card.
The inhabitant pass the smart card in the card reader. The system requests to the user the password to access the smart home.
The inhabitant informs the access password. The system verifies that the password is valid for the registered inhabitant.
The system displays the message of success login.
The system opens the front door and register the occurrence.
After thirty seconds, the front door is closed.

Scenario SC02 – Request Access to Home, but inform a wrong password

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to enter into the house. But a wrong password is informed.

Precondition: -

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant request access to the home at the main entrance. The system requests to the user to pass the smart card.
The inhabitant pass the smart card in the card reader. The system requests to the user the password to access the smart home.
The inhabitant informs the access password. The system verifies that the password is not valid for the registered inhabitant.
The system registers the occurrence.
The system request to the user to pass the smart card again, returning to the previews step. If the number of attempts is greater than three, the system sends an warning message for the home owner and blocks the inhabitant to enter into the house.

Scenrio SC03 - Guest Request Access to Home, but the house is empty

Description: This scenario allows a guest to enter into the house, however, the house is empty. This scenario is useful in cases where the home owner family is traveling but a employee, a relative or a close friend needs to enter into the house.

Precondition: -

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The guest request access to the home at main entrance. The system requests the guest name and the reason for entering in the house.
The guest fills in the requested information. The system takes a guest photograph and sends one message to the home owner mobile device.
The system asks for the guest to wait a few minutes.
The home owner authorizes the guest to enter into the house. The system displays the message of authorized access.
The system opens the front door and register the occurrence.
After thirty seconds, the front door is closed.

Scenario SC04 – Guest Request Access to Home, but the house is empty and the home owner do not authorize it.

Description: This scenario is an exception flow of the previous one. It describes an unauthorized request of a guest to enter into the house.

Precondition: -

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The guest request access to the home at main entrance. The system requests the guest name and the reason for entering in the house.
The guest fills in the requested information. The system takes a guest photograph and sends one message to the home owner mobile device.
The system asks for the guest to wait a few minutes.
The home owner do not authorize the guest to enter into the house. The system displays the message of unauthorized access.
The system asks the guest to place a call to the home owner. The scenario finishes.

UC03 – Configure Access to Specific Environment

Description: This use case allows the configuration of access rules to specific environments.

Scenario SC01 – Main flow of events

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to restrict access for specific environments of smart home.

Precondition: The inhabitant is logged in the Security management system and has privileges for changing the access rules for a specific environment.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant selects the configure access rule for specific environment option in the security configuration menu. The system requests to the user to select a specific environment (room, office, bedroom, kitchen) of the smart home.
The inhabitant selects one of the available environments of the smart home. The system checks that the inhabitant is able to change the access rule for the selected environment.
The inhabitant select the access rule to be applied in the selected environment. The valid access rules are: restricted and unrestricted. The system requests the inhabitant password.
The inhabitant fills in the password and selects the proceed option. The system applies the policy for the selected environment.

Scenario SC02 – Attempt to change access rule for specific place, but insufficient privileges

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to restrict access for specific environments of smart home. However, the inhabitant does not have the rights to change the policies for a selected environment.

Precondition: The inhabitant is logged in the Security management system and does not have privileges for changing the access rules for a specific environment.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant selects the configure access rule for specific environment option in the security configuration menu. The system requests to the user to select a specific environment (room, office, bedroom, kitchen) of the smart home.
The inhabitant selects one of the available environments of the smart home. The system checks that the inhabitant is not able to change the access rule for the selected environment.
The system presents to the user the appropriated message and the scenario finishes.

UC04 – Intrusion Detection

Description: This use case is responsible for catching any attempt to intrude the smart home. Several events are used to characterize this kind of attempt, such as window or door braking.

Scenario SC01 – Detect an attempt of intrude. The house is not empty.

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when an attempt to intrude event occurs and the house is not empty.

Precondition: The presence sensors are well configured and running. The house is not empty.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The presence sensor identifies that someone is trying to intrude into the smart home. This might be deduced by observing any suspect event (forcing or braking) in external doors and windows. The system emits the configured internal sound alarm.
The system places a call to the police department.
The system locks the access to the bedrooms.
The system turns on external and internal lights.

Scenario SC02 – Detect an attempt of intrude. The house is not empty.

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when an attempt to intrude event occurs and the house is in the empty state.

Precondition: The presence sensors are well configured and running. The house is in the empty state.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The presence sensor identifies that someone is trying to intrude into the smart home. This might be deduced by observing any suspect event (forcing or braking) in external doors and windows. The system emits the configured internal and external sound alarms.
The system places a call to the police department and sends a message to the home owner.
The system turns on external and internal lights.

UC05 – Presence Detection

Description: This use case is responsible for catching presence information when the house should be empty.

Scenario SC01 – Detect presence when the house is empty

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when presence is detected and the house should be empty.

Precondition: The presence sensors are well configured and running. The house should be empty.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The presence sensor identifies some presence information. The system emits the configured external sound alarm.
The system places a call to the police department and send a message to the home owner.
The system turns on external and internal lights.

UC06 – Fire Detection

Description: This use case is responsible for identifying presence of fire or smoke inside the home.

Scenario SC01 – Detect smoke or suspect high temperature inside the smart home.

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when fire is detected.

Precondition: The fire sensors are well configured and running. The house should be empty.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The fire sensor identifies a possible fire occurrence (based on smoke or temperature elevation). The system emits the configured internal sound alarm.
The system places a call to the fireguard department and sends a message to the home owner.
The system unlocks all doors and windows.

Second Configuration

UC01- Configure Security Management

Description: This use case allows the owner of a smart home to configure the security module behavior. Several characteristics may be configured, such as access policies, presence information, and so on.

Scenario SC01 - Register Inhabitant

Description: This scenario allows the owner of the system to register new home inhabitants. In this way, the policies for entrance in the home are applied for them.

Precondition: The home owner is logged in the Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the register inhabitant option in the security configuration menu. The inhabitant personal form is displayed.
The home owner fills in the inhabitant personal form and selects the proceed option. The system requires the inhabitant inhabitant finger print to capture it.
The new inhabitant put your finger in the finger print capture device. The system get the new inhabitant finger print information and asks the home owner to proceed.
The home owner selects the proceed option. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system register the new inhabitant, allowing he (she) to access the smart house.

Scenario SC02 – Defines the home state

Description: This scenario allows the owner of smart home to change the house state.

Precondition: The home owner is logged in the Security management system.

Flow of events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the set home state option in the security configuration menu. The home state form is displayed, requiring the selection of one of the available states (house not empty, house empty, and vacation)
The home owner selects one of the configured states. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system updates the home state and activates the corresponding intrusion and presence policies.

Scenario SC03 – Define policies for home state

Description: This scenario allows the owner of smart home to change the policies for a specific home state.

Precondition: The home owner is logged in the Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the configure policies for home state option in the security configuration menu. The home state form is displayed, requiring the selection of one of the available states (house not empty, house empty, vacation period)
The home owner selects one of the available states. The home state policy form is displayed, requiring: list of notification numbers, audio message, and text message.
The home owner fills in the requested information. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system updates the home state and activates the corresponding intrusion and presence policies.

UC02- Request Access to Home

Description: This use case allows a registered inhabitant of the smart home to enter into the house. Different means of controlling the inhabitant access can be deployed.

Scenario SC01 – Request Access to Home

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to enter into the house.

Precondition: -

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant request access to the home at the main entrance. The system requests the user to put your finger in the finger print reader.
The inhabitant put his (her) finger in the finger print reader. The system recognizes the finger print information as a registered inhabitant.
The system displays the message of success login.
The system opens the front door and register the occurrence.
After sixty seconds, the front door is closed.

Scenario SC02 – Request Access to Home, but the system does not recognize the finger print.

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to enter into the house, but it does not recognize the captured finger print.

Precondition: -

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant request access to the home at the main entrance. The system requests the user to put your finger in the finger print reader.
The inhabitant put his (her) finger in the finger print reader. The system does not recognize the finger print information as a registered inhabitant.
The system displays the message reporting that the inhabitant was not recognized.
The system register the occurrence, taking a photograph of the not recognized inhabitant.
A warning message is sent to the home owner.

Scenario SC03 – Guest Request Access to Home, but the house is empty

Description: This scenario allows a guest to enter into the house, however, the house is empty. This scenario is useful in cases where the home owner family is traveling but a employee, a relative or a close friend needs to enter into the house.

Precondition: -

User Action System Response
The guest request access to the home at main entrance. The system requests the guest name and the reason for entering in the house.
The guest fills in the requested information. The system takes a guest photograph and sends one message to the home owner mobile device.
The system asks for the guest to wait a few minutes.
The home owner, using the mobile interface with the security model, authorizes the guest to enter into the house. The system displays the message of authorized access.
The system opens the front door and register the occurrence.
After sixty seconds, the front door is closed.

SC04 – Guest Request Access to Home, but the house is empty and the home owner do not authorize it.

Description: This scenario is an exception flow of the previous one. It describes an unauthorized request of a guest to enter into the house.

Precondition: -

User Action System Response
The guest request access to the home at main entrance. The system requests the guest name and the reason for entering in the house.
The guest fills in the requested information. The system takes a guest photograph and sends one message to the home owner mobile device.
The system asks for the guest to wait a few minutes.
The home owner do not authorize the guest to enter into the house. The system displays the message of unauthorized access.
The system asks the guest to place a call to the home owner. The scenario finishes.

UC03 – Intrusion Detection

Description: This use case is responsible for catching any attempt to intrude the smart home. Several events are used to characterize this kind of attempt, such as window or door braking.

Scenario SC01 – Detect an attempt of intrude. The house is not empty.

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when an attempt to intrude event occurs and the house is not empty.

Precondition: The presence sensors are well configured and running. The house is not empty.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The presence sensor identifies that someone is trying to intrude into the smart home. This might be deduced by observing any suspect event (forcing or braking) in external doors and windows. The system emits the configured internal sound alarm.
The system places a call to the police department.
The system turns on external and internal lights.

Scenario SC02 – Detect an attempt of intrude. The house is not empty.

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when an attempt to intrude event occurs and the house is in the empty state.

Precondition: The presence sensors are well configured and running. The house is in the empty state.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The presence sensor identifies that someone is trying to intrude into the smart home. This might be deduced by observing any suspect event (forcing or braking) in external doors and windows. The system emits the configured internal and external sound alarms.
The system places a call to the police department and sends a message to the home owner.
The system turns on external and internal lights.

UC04 – Presence Detection

Description: This use case is responsible for catching presence information when the house should be empty.

Scenario SC01 – Detect presence when the house is empty

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when presence is detected and the house should be empty.

Precondition: The presence sensors are well configured and running. The house should be empty.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The presence sensor identifies some presence information. The system emits the configured external sound alarm.
The system places a call to the police department and send a message to the home owner.
The system turns on external and internal lights.

Third Configuration

UC01- Configure Security Management

Description: This use case allows the owner of a smart home to configure the security module behavior. Several characteristics may be configured, such as access policies, presence information, and so on.

Scenario SC01 - Register Inhabitant

Description: This scenario allows the owner of the system to register new home inhabitants. In this way, the policies for entrance in the home are applied for them.

Precondition: The home owner is logged in the Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the register inhabitant option in the security configuration menu. The inhabitant personal form is displayed.
The home owner fills in the inhabitant personal form and selects the proceed option. The system requires the inhabitant password (and password confirmation) for getting access to the home.
The new inhabitant fills in the password (and confirmation password) for home access. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system register the new inhabitant, allowing he (she) to access the smart house.

Scenario SC02 – Defines the home state

Description: This scenario allows the owner of smart home to change the house state .

Precondition: The home owner is logged in the Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the set home state option in the security configuration menu. The home state form is displayed, requiring the selection of one of the available states (house not empty, house empty).
The home owner selects one of the configured states. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system updates the home state and activates the corresponding intrusion and presence policies.

Scenario SC03 - Define policies for home state

Description: This scenario allows the owner of smart home to change the policies for a specific home state.

Precondition: The home owner is logged in the Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the configure policies for home state option in the security configuration menu. The home state form is displayed, requiring the selection of one of the available states (house not empty, house empty)
The home owner selects one of the available states . The home state policy form is displayed, requiring: list of notification numbers, audio message, and text message.
The home owner fills in the requested information. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system updates the home state and activates the corresponding intrusion and presence policies.

Scenario SC04 - Define rights for inhabitants

Description: This scenario allows the owner of smart home to change the rights for registered inhabitants, such as defining which home environments an inhabitant can configure access.

Precondition: The home owner is logged in he Security management system.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The home owner selects the configure rights for inhabitant option in the security configuration menu. The select an inhabitant form is displayed, requiring the selection of one of the registered inhabitants.
The home owner selects one of the registered inhabitants. The inhabitant rights form is displayed, requiring the home owner to inform if the inhabitant is able to entering in the house and which environments of the house the inhabitant can change the access control.
The home owner fills in the requested information. The system requests the home owner configuration password.
The home owner fills in the configuration password and selects the proceed option. The system updates the inhabitant rights and activates the corresponding policies.

UC02- Request Access to Home

Description: This use case allows a registered inhabitant of the smart home to enter into the house. Different means of controlling the inhabitant access can be deployed.

Scenario SC01 – Request Access to Home

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to enter into the house.

Precondition: -

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant request access to the home at the main entrance. The system requests to the user to pass the smart card.
The inhabitant pass the smart card in the card reader. The system requests to the user the password to access the smart home.
The inhabitant informs the access password. The system verifies that the password is valid for the registered inhabitant.
The system displays the message of success login.
The system opens the front door and register the occurrence.
After thirty seconds, the front door is closed.

Scenario SC02 – Request Access to Home, but inform a wrong password

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to enter into the house. But a wrong password is informed.

Precondition: -

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant request access to the home at the main entrance. The system requests to the user to pass the smart card.
The inhabitant pass the smart card in the card reader. The system requests to the user the password to access the smart home.
The inhabitant informs the access password. The system verifies that the password is not valid for the registered inhabitant.
The system registers the occurrence.
The system request to the user to pass the smart card again, returning to the previews step. If the number of attempts is greater than five, the system sends an warning message for the home owner and blocks the inhabitant to enter into the house.

UC03 – Configure Access to Specific Environment*

Description: This use case allows the configuration of access rules to specific environments.

Scenario SC01 – Main flow of events

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to restrict access for specific environments of smart home.

Precondition: The inhabitant is logged in the Security management system and has privileges for changing the access rules for a specific environment.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant selects the configure access rule for specific environment option in the security configuration menu. The system requests to the user to select a specific environment (room, office, bedroom, kitchen) of the smart home.
The inhabitant selects one of the available environments of the smart home. The system checks that the inhabitant is able to change the access rule for the selected environment.
The inhabitant select the access rule to be applied in the selected environment. The valid access rules are: restricted and unrestricted. The system requests the inhabitant password.
The inhabitant fills in the password and selects the proceed option. The system applies the policy for the selected environment.

Scenario SC02 – Attempt to change access rule for specific place, but insufficient privileges

Description: This scenario allows a registered inhabitant to restrict access for specific environments of smart home. However, the inhabitant does not have the rights to change the policies for a selected environment.

Precondition: The inhabitant is logged in the Security management system and does not have privileges for changing the access rules for a specific environment.

Flow of Events

User Action System Response
The inhabitant selects the configure access rule for specific environment option in the security configuration menu. The system requests to the user to select a specific environment (room, office, bedroom, kitchen) of the smart home.
The inhabitant selects one of the available environments of the smart home. The system checks that the inhabitant is not able to change the access rule for the selected environment.
The system presents to the user the appropriated message and the scenario finishes.

UC04 – Intrusion Detection

Description: This use case is responsible for catching any attempt to intrude the smart home. Several events are used to characterize this kind of attempt, such as window or door braking.

Scenario SC01 – Detect an attempt of intrude. The house is not empty.

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when an attempt to intrude event occurs and the house is not empty.

Precondition: The presence sensors are well configured and running. The house is not empty.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The presence sensor identifies that someone is trying to intrude into the smart home. This might be deduced by observing any suspect event (forcing or braking) in external doors and windows. The system emits the configured internal sound alarm.
The system places a call to the police department.
The system locks the access to the bedrooms.

Scenario SC02 – Detect an attempt of intrude. The house is empty.

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when an attempt to intrude event occurs and the house is in the empty state.

Precondition: The presence sensors are well configured and running. The house is in the empty state.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The presence sensor identifies that someone is trying to intrude into the smart home. This might be deduced by observing any suspect event (forcing or braking) in external doors and windows. The system emits the configured internal and external sound alarms.
The system places a call to the police department and sends a message to the home owner.
The system turns on external and internal lights.

UC05 – Fire Detection

Description: This use case is responsible for identifying presence of fire or smoke inside the home.

Scenario SC01 – Detect smoke or suspect high temperature inside the smart home

Description: This scenario describes the behavior that is performed when fire is detected.

Precondition: The fire sensors are well configured and running. The house should be empty.

Flow of Events

Actor Action System Response
The fire sensor identifies a possible fire occurrence (based on smoke or temperature elevation). The system emits the configured internal sound alarm.
The system places a call to the fireguard department and sends a message to the home owner.
The system unlocks all doors and windows.
The system sends a message to the fire control system, which performs its configured reactive actions.

-- RodrigoBonifacio - 09 Apr 2008

Topic revision: r2 - 2008-04-09 - RodrigoBonifacio
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