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Statistics for TAES Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Aug 2008 417 30 0 123 LPS200802
 89 WebHome
 76 Aspectos200802
 31 Aspectos200801
 26 LPS200801
  9 WebIndex
  9 WebChanges
  7 TAES200702
  6 RoteiroDeExercício
  6 WebMenu
  5 WebStatistics
 30 PauloBorba
Jul 2008 1135 7 2 741 Aspectos200801
109 WebHome
 58 LPS200801
 26 WebChanges
 24 WebSearch
 21 WebNotify
 19 WebMenu
 18 WebIndex
 16 TAES200702
 14 WebTopicList
 14 WebStatistics
  9 PauloBorba
Jun 2008 1924 13 2 1284 Aspectos200801
151 WebHome
134 RoteiroDeExercício
 89 LPS200801
 40 SmartHome
 28 WebChanges
 28 WebStatistics
 21 WebIndex
 20 TAES200702
 20 WebMenu
 18 WebSearch
 13 PauloBorba
  2 LeopoldoTeixeira
May 2008 347 8 0 196 Aspectos200801
 38 LPS200801
 34 WebHome
 10 WebIndex
  9 WebChanges
  8 WebStatistics
  7 RoteiroDeExercício
  6 WebSearch
  5 WebTopicList
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebPreferences
  7 PauloBorba
  1 LeopoldoTeixeira
Apr 2008 1452 131 8 616 Aspectos200801
221 LPS200801
165 WebHome
129 RoteiroDeExercício
125 SmartHome
 37 WebStatistics
 29 WebChanges
 22 WebIndex
 18 WebSearch
 16 WebNotify
 16 WebPreferences
 83 RodrigoBonifacio
 53 PauloBorba
  3 PedroMatos
Mar 2008 1660 84 19 892 Aspectos200801
179 LPS200801
157 WebHome
122 WebStatistics
 53 WebSearch
 32 WebIndex
 32 WebPreferences
 28 WebChanges
 20 TAES200702
 20 WebMenu
 19 WebNotify
 74 PauloBorba
 15 RodrigoBonifacio
 14 MarcioRibeiro
Feb 2008 330 8 0  76 WebHome
 60 WebStatistics
 34 WebSearch
 34 WebChanges
 22 WebIndex
 19 WebPreferences
 16 WebMenu
 14 WebNotify
 12 WebLeftBar
 10 WebTopicList
  5 TAES200701
  8 PauloBorba
Jan 2008 288 0 0 100 WebHome
 44 WebStatistics
 24 WebSearch
 20 WebChanges
 19 WebNotify
 18 WebMenu
 18 WebIndex
 14 WebLeftBar
 11 WebPreferences
  9 WebTopicList
Dec 2007 342 0 0  80 WebHome
 79 WebStatistics
 36 WebSearch
 21 WebIndex
 21 WebNotify
 20 WebPreferences
 20 WebChanges
 15 WebMenu
 12 WebTopicList
 10 WebLeftBar
Nov 2007 279 0 0  91 WebHome
 40 WebStatistics
 28 WebIndex
 26 WebChanges
 19 WebNotify
 19 WebPreferences
 17 WebSearch
 13 WebMenu
 11 WebTopicList
  9 WebLeftBar
Oct 2007 330 0 0 102 WebHome
 61 WebStatistics
 32 WebSearch
 19 WebMenu
 19 WebChanges
 18 WebIndex
 17 WebPreferences
 15 WebNotify
 13 WebLeftBar
 12 WebTopicList
Sep 2007 1129 0 0 919 WebStatistics
 59 WebHome
 23 WebChanges
 21 WebIndex
 20 WebNotify
 19 WebSearch
 18 WebTopicList
 17 WebMenu
 16 WebPreferences
  8 WebLeftBar
Aug 2007 1574 0 0 1394 WebStatistics
 49 WebHome
 22 WebIndex
 21 WebChanges
 19 WebSearch
 14 WebNotify
 10 WebMenu
 10 WebPreferences
  9 WebTopicList
  9 WebLeftBar
Jul 2007 937 0 0 477 WebStatistics
100 WebHome
 50 WebIndex
 47 WebChanges
 45 WebTopicList
 45 WebLeftBar
 44 WebRss
 42 WebPreferences
 37 WebNotify
 34 WebMenu
 13 WebSearch
Jun 2007 501 0 0 181 WebStatistics
 70 WebHome
 36 WebRss
 36 WebLeftBar
 35 WebIndex
 30 WebChanges
 29 WebTopicList
 25 WebPreferences
 24 WebMenu
 23 WebNotify
 11 WebSearch
May 2007 229 0 0 102 WebStatistics
 32 WebHome
 14 WebMenu
 13 WebIndex
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebRss
 12 WebPreferences
 11 WebChanges
  9 WebLeftBar
  7 WebNotify
  5 WebSearch
Apr 2007 755 0 0 389 WebStatistics
 95 WebHome
 42 WebChanges
 37 WebMenu
 31 WebTopicList
 30 WebRss
 29 WebIndex
 29 WebNotify
 28 WebPreferences
 27 WebLeftBar
 18 WebSearch
Mar 2007 417 0 0 118 WebHome
 56 WebStatistics
 36 WebChanges
 34 WebTopicList
 33 WebNotify
 30 WebMenu
 30 WebIndex
 24 WebLeftBar
 23 WebPreferences
 17 WebRss
 16 WebSearch
Feb 2007 299 5 0 142 WebStatistics
 73 WebHome
 16 WebIndex
 16 WebSearch
 14 WebChanges
 11 WebNotify
 10 WebPreferences
  6 WebTopicList
  5 WebRss
  4 WebMenu
  2 WebLeftBar
  5 TWikiGuest
Jan 2007 35 0 0   8 WebHome
  6 WebRss
  3 WebMenu
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebStatistics
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebNotify
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebLeftBar
Dec 2006 164 4 0  69 WebHome
 35 WebStatistics
 11 WebRss
  9 WebChanges
  8 WebIndex
  8 WebNotify
  7 WebTopicList
  5 WebMenu
  5 WebPreferences
  4 WebSearch
  3 WebLeftBar
  4 TWikiGuest
Nov 2006 455 20 0 169 WebHome
146 WebStatistics
 28 WebPreferences
 26 WebRss
 17 WebNotify
 15 WebIndex
 15 WebChanges
 11 WebMenu
 11 WebSearch
  8 WebLeftBar
  7 WebTopicList
 18 TWikiGuest
  2 JulianaAndrade
Oct 2006 6028 16 16 1073 WebStatistics
735 WeeklySeminar
610 AspectProductLine
455 WebHome
299 GenteAreaPublications
234 WebRss
178 GroupMembers
163 TemasFuturos
129 GenteAreaThesis
112 Talks
103 AspectOrientedProject
 26 VanderAlves
  6 RohitGheyi
Sep 2006 6790 27 18 2240 WebStatistics
642 WeeklySeminar
552 AspectProductLine
551 WebHome
309 WebRss
201 GenteAreaPublications
156 TemasFuturos
143 GroupMembers
130 GoodPracticesForPresentations
115 Talks
106 AspectOrientedProject
 22 RohitGheyi
 10 VanderAlves
  9 TWikiGuest
  4 SergioSoares
Aug 2006 4027 69 29 634 WebHome
512 WeeklySeminar
475 AspectProductLine
337 WebStatistics
255 WebRss
185 GroupMembers
159 GenteAreaPublications
113 GenteAreaThesis
105 TemasFuturos
 95 AlloyGroup
 93 Talks
 51 VanderAlves
 30 TWikiGuest
 10 RohitGheyi
  5 EduardoAranha
  2 AlbertoNeto
Jul 2006 5408 45 11 908 WebStatistics
704 WeeklySeminar
670 AspectProductLine
630 WebHome
274 GenteAreaPublications
268 WebRss
206 GroupMembers
191 TemasFuturos
106 GenteAreaThesis
102 GenteAreaProjects
 91 AlloyGroup
 28 TWikiGuest
 16 VanderAlves
  4 RohitGheyi
  4 SergioSoares
  2 GustavoSantos
  2 PedroMatos
Jun 2006 5801 57 19 885 WebStatistics
778 WebHome
702 WeeklySeminar
638 AspectProductLine
301 GenteAreaPublications
215 GroupMembers
209 WebRss
207 TemasFuturos
135 GenteAreaProjects
120 GroupPublications
112 AlloyGroup
 29 TWikiGuest
 27 GustavoSantos
  8 AylaSouza
  6 IvanCardim
  4 RohitGheyi
  1 AlbertoNeto
  1 PedroMatos
May 2006 5679 26 1 868 WebHome
686 WebStatistics
651 AspectProductLine
526 WeeklySeminar
294 TemasFuturos
271 GenteAreaPublications
199 AspectOrientedProject
184 GroupMembers
154 GenteAreaThesis
139 GenteAreaProjects
120 GenteAreaEvents
 22 TWikiGuest
  3 RodrigoAlmeida
  2 SergioSoares
Apr 2006 4645 25 10 730 WebHome
545 WebStatistics
530 AspectProductLine
355 WeeklySeminar
247 GenteAreaPublications
229 AspectOrientedProject
164 GroupMembers
161 TemasFuturos
129 GenteAreaProjects
111 GenteAreaThesis
 92 AlloyGroup
 15 TWikiGuest
 10 LeonardoCole
  4 RohitGheyi
  4 VanderAlves
  2 SergioSoares
Mar 2006 7305 24 1 851 AspectProductLine
822 WebStatistics
772 WeeklySeminar
761 WebHome
471 GenteAreaPublications
335 GroupMembers
314 TemasFuturos
253 GenteAreaProjects
235 AspectOrientedProject
225 GenteAreaThesis
212 GroupPublications
 15 TWikiGuest
  5 AlbertoNeto
  2 VanderAlves
  2 IvanCardim
  1 JulianaAndrade
Feb 2006 3254 9 0 440 WebHome
389 AspectProductLine
289 WeeklySeminar
278 WebStatistics
194 GenteAreaPublications
144 TemasFuturos
144 GenteAreaProjects
116 GenteAreaThesis
113 GroupMembers
 89 GroupPublications
 81 AspectOrientedProject
  7 TWikiGuest
  2 AlbertoNeto
Jan 2006 6138 2 1 674 WeeklySeminar
619 WebHome
594 AspectProductLine
563 WebStatistics
445 GenteAreaPublications
336 TemasFuturos
249 GroupMembers
231 GenteAreaThesis
217 GroupPublications
174 GenteAreaProjects
152 GenteAreaRelatedResearch
  2 RohitGheyi
  1 TWikiGuest
Dec 2005 6983 15 7 1130 WeeklySeminar
682 WebStatistics
669 WebHome
627 AspectProductLine
512 GenteAreaPublications
342 TemasFuturos
248 GroupMembers
214 GenteAreaThesis
213 GroupPublications
189 GenteAreaProjects
166 GenteAreaEvents
 14 RohitGheyi
  8 TWikiGuest
Nov 2005 8223 71 20 1210 WeeklySeminar
1089 WebStatistics
856 AspectProductLine
701 WebHome
538 GenteAreaPublications
433 TemasFuturos
331 GenteAreaProjects
310 GroupMembers
262 GenteAreaThesis
227 GroupPublications
192 GenteAreaEvents
 47 TWikiGuest
 24 VanderAlves
 12 RohitGheyi
  8 SergioSoares
Oct 2005 10944 52 15 1367 WebStatistics
1272 WeeklySeminar
1099 WebHome
632 AspectProductLine
614 TemasFuturos
594 GenteAreaPublications
447 GroupMembers
435 GenteAreaThesis
407 GenteAreaProjects
348 GroupPublications
285 GenteAreaEvents
 25 TWikiGuest
 18 TiagoMassoni
 10 RohitGheyi
  9 AlbertoNeto
  4 VanderAlves
  1 EduardoAranha
Sep 2005 9450 14 12 991 GenteAreaPublications
898 WeeklySeminar
812 WebHome
674 AspectProductLine
554 WebStatistics
485 TemasFuturos
484 GroupMembers
429 GenteAreaThesis
383 GenteAreaProjects
262 GroupPublications
259 GenteAreaEvents
 18 SergioSoares
  6 RohitGheyi
  2 TiagoMassoni
Aug 2005 10902 30 8 1620 WeeklySeminar
1440 GenteAreaPublications
1222 WebStatistics
1136 WebHome
694 AspectProductLine
524 TemasFuturos
475 GenteAreaProjects
345 GroupMembers
308 GenteAreaThesis
243 GroupPublications
223 GenteAreaEvents
 16 TWikiGuest
  8 RohitGheyi
  7 GustavoSantos
  4 EduardoAranha
  2 VanderAlves
  1 AlbertoNeto
Jul 2005 6398 332 138 1118 WebHome
932 AspectProductLine
589 WeeklySeminar
543 GenteAreaPublications
246 AlloyGroup
218 GroupMembers
218 WebStatistics
212 GenteAreaProjects
208 GenteAreaThesis
194 GroupPublications
180 TemasFuturos
172 VanderAlves
117 TWikiGuest
 98 SergioSoares
 67 RohitGheyi
 14 TiagoMassoni
  2 JulianaAndrade
Jun 2005 3244 47 19 755 WebHome
336 WeeklySeminar
290 GenteAreaPublications
224 AspectProductLine
211 GroupMembers
174 WebStatistics
111 TemasFuturos
107 GenteAreaProjects
104 Talks
 97 GenteAreaThesis
 86 GenteAreaEvents
 38 GustavoSantos
 22 TWikiGuest
  4 VanderAlves
  1 TiagoMassoni
  1 AlbertoNeto
May 2005 2915 6 1 501 WebHome
368 GenteAreaPublications
293 WeeklySeminar
154 GenteAreaThesis
131 AspectProductLine
129 WebStatistics
112 TemasFuturos
107 GenteAreaProjects
101 AspectOrientedProject
 90 Talks
 80 SoftwareAndProcesses
  4 AylaSouza
  3 TWikiGuest
Apr 2005 3465 22 2 658 WebHome
359 WeeklySeminar
303 GenteAreaPublications
207 GenteAreaThesis
159 WebStatistics
143 AspectProductLine
142 GroupMembers
139 TemasFuturos
132 AspectOrientedProject
119 GenteAreaProjects
102 SoftwareAndProcesses
 12 TWikiGuest
  6 VanderAlves
  4 AlbertoNeto
  2 SergioSoares
Mar 2005 3423 23 2 472 WebHome
373 WeeklySeminar
284 GenteAreaPublications
218 GenteAreaThesis
179 GenteAreaProjects
172 WebStatistics
162 GroupMembers
161 TemasFuturos
142 GenteAreaEvents
129 AspectProductLine
114 Talks
 19 TWikiGuest
  2 AdelineSousa
  2 LeonardoCole
  2 GustavoSantos
Feb 2005 2763 24 2 395 WebHome
273 WeeklySeminar
263 GenteAreaPublications
177 GenteAreaThesis
128 TemasFuturos
127 GenteAreaProjects
120 GenteAreaEvents
119 WebStatistics
108 GroupMembers
104 AspectProductLine
 99 Talks
 19 TWikiGuest
  2 VanderAlves
  2 RohitGheyi
  2 SergioSoares
  1 GustavoSantos
Jan 2005 2496 33 10 482 WebHome
268 GenteAreaPublications
220 WeeklySeminar
146 GenteAreaThesis
102 GroupMembers
 98 GenteAreaProjects
 96 Talks
 93 AspectOrientedProject
 73 GenteAreaEvents
 71 AspectProductLine
 69 WebStatistics
 24 TWikiGuest
 13 LeonardoCole
  4 VanderAlves
  2 SergioSoares
Dec 2004 1009 0 0 195 WebHome
101 WeeklySeminar
 99 AspectProductLine
 91 GenteAreaPublications
 67 GenteAreaProjects
 42 GroupMembers
 33 GenteAreaThesis
 32 GenteAreaRelatedResearch
 29 AspectOrientedProject
 27 GenteAreaEvents
 25 WebStatistics
Nov 2004 2396 37 3 488 WebHome
189 AspectProductLine
183 WeeklySeminar
154 GenteAreaPublications
111 GroupMembers
107 GenteAreaProjects
 91 GenteAreaThesis
 90 GenteAreaEvents
 83 TemasFuturos
 80 WebStatistics
 78 Talks
 32 TWikiGuest
  6 RohitGheyi
  2 VanderAlves
Oct 2004 3048 109 15 634 WebHome
283 WeeklySeminar
211 GenteAreaPublications
179 AspectProductLine
145 GenteAreaProjects
131 GenteAreaThesis
121 GroupMembers
110 GenteAreaEvents
107 TemasFuturos
105 Talks
 94 AlloyGroup
 91 TWikiGuest
 24 VanderAlves
  7 SergioSoares
  2 RohitGheyi
Sep 2004 2605 17 2 553 WebHome
261 WeeklySeminar
184 GenteAreaPublications
135 AspectOrientedProject
116 GenteAreaProjects
111 GroupMembers
100 TemasFuturos
 95 GenteAreaThesis
 88 GenteAreaEvents
 86 AspectProductLine
 76 SoftwareAndProcesses
 14 TWikiGuest
  2 LeonardoCole
  2 AylaSouza
  1 TiagoMassoni
Aug 2004 2813 26 4 639 WebHome
277 WeeklySeminar
182 GenteAreaPublications
135 GroupMembers
127 AspectOrientedProject
126 TemasFuturos
121 GenteAreaProjects
 93 GenteAreaThesis
 90 GenteAreaEvents
 80 SoftwareAndProcesses
 75 GenteAreaRelatedResearch
 19 TWikiGuest
  4 TiagoMassoni
  3 AlexandraBarros
  2 AylaSouza
  1 SergioSoares
  1 JulianaAndrade
Jul 2004 1736 34 5 378 WebHome
192 WeeklySeminar
123 GenteAreaPublications
 86 AspectOrientedProject
 71 TemasFuturos
 61 GenteAreaEvents
 56 GroupMembers
 54 GenteAreaThesis
 51 AspectProductLine
 48 AlloyGroup
 45 Talks
 24 TWikiGuest
  9 RohitGheyi
  4 VanderAlves
  2 TiagoMassoni
Jun 2004 1048 47 5 382 WebHome
122 WeeklySeminar
 87 AspectProductLine
 67 GenteAreaPublications
 56 GenteAreaProjects
 56 AspectOrientedProject
 36 GroupMembers
 32 GenteAreaEvents
 27 SoftwareAndProcesses
 26 Talks
 25 TemasFuturos
 35 TWikiGuest
 11 VanderAlves
  3 TiagoMassoni
  2 SergioSoares
  1 IvanCardim
Apr 2004 1065 12 3 411 WebHome
104 GenteAreaPublications
103 WeeklySeminar
 72 AspectOrientedProject
 46 GenteAreaEvents
 34 GroupMembers
 34 GenteAreaRelatedResearch
 34 GenteAreaProjects
 32 GenteAreaThesis
 28 TemasFuturos
 24 Talks
  9 VanderAlves
  5 TWikiGuest
  1 TiagoMassoni
Mar 2004 998 71 7 540 WebHome
 85 WeeklySeminar
 71 GenteAreaPublications
 54 AspectOrientedProject
 29 GroupMembers
 29 GenteAreaEvents
 26 Talks
 22 TemasFuturos
 21 GenteAreaProjects
 15 GenteAreaRelatedResearch
 13 WebPreferences
 44 TWikiGuest
 14 SergioSoares
 10 JulianaAndrade
  8 TiagoMassoni
  2 VanderAlves


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