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20 most recent topic changes in all webs

Modified (now 02:09)Sorted descending Topic in Web Last Modified By
1631107380 2021-09-08 10:23 diff (in-line) r1 TheDangersofUsingFruitandVegetableCleaners in Sandbox web BerniceBruno
1631096040 2021-09-08 07:14 diff (in-line) r2 YoutubeTrustedMusicDownloader in Sandbox web MetroLagu
1631004300 2021-09-07 05:45 diff (in-line) r1 WhatMostPeopleDontKnowAboutTheOlansiHydrogenWaterBottle in Sandbox web HaydenRuffin
1631000340 2021-09-07 04:39 diff (in-line) r1 MostImportantAdvantagesOfUsingNegativeIonAirPurifier in Sandbox web JudithDawkins
1630925880 2021-09-06 07:58 diff (in-line) r1 SomeReasonsToBuyUVCAirPurifiers in Sandbox web HenryHutchison
1630919280 2021-09-06 06:08 diff (in-line) r1 SomeNotableFactsAboutDisinfectantWaterMachines in Sandbox web HenryHutchison
1630848420 2021-09-05 10:27 diff (in-line) r1 WatchOnlineMoviesForFreeOfCost in Sandbox web ToniBloom
1630848360 2021-09-05 10:26 diff (in-line) r1 KnowWhereToCollectLatestEnglishMovies in Sandbox web ToniBloom
1630768080 2021-09-04 12:08 diff (in-line) r1 WhatToOfferAQualityCarAirPurifierManufacturer in Sandbox web JettieRivers
1630763820 2021-09-04 10:57 diff (in-line) r1 Directorios in TestProductLines web JuanSiagie
1630763700 2021-09-04 10:55 diff (in-line) r1 Siagie in TestProductLines web JuanSiagie
1630652700 2021-09-03 04:05 diff (in-line) r1 HowDoSuccessfulArchitecturalFirmsStriveInTheMarket in Sandbox web JosieBonner
1630652460 2021-09-03 04:01 diff (in-line) r1 ProduceQualityFurnitureWithTheHelpOfCNCRouterMachines in Sandbox web NumbersSmall
1630489860 2021-09-01 06:51 diff (in-line) r1 WhereIsSydney’sBestArchitecturalFirmLocated in Sandbox web IsrealGuerrero
1630489200 2021-09-01 06:40 diff (in-line) r1 FactsAboutOnlineCasinoGames in Sandbox web TrishaHager
1630487340 2021-09-01 06:09 diff (in-line) r1 WhyShouldIBuyBigChiefExtractsOnline in Sandbox web DerekOakes
1630483860 2021-09-01 05:11 diff (in-line) r1 SinceOverAIandResearchProgram in Sandbox web TrishaHager
1630411380 2021-08-31 09:03 diff (in-line) r1 AllAboutGlock-19Handgun in Sandbox web WinonaStout
1630400760 2021-08-31 06:06 diff (in-line) r1 BuyruntzOnline in Sandbox web EleanoreClay
1630326360 2021-08-30 09:26 diff (in-line) r1 UsefulInformationRegardingGamblingEnterpriseWebsiteOnline in Sandbox web TishaStanton
1630305780 2021-08-30 03:43 diff (in-line) r1 HowToBuyTheBestHepaUVCAirPurifier in Sandbox web MarnieLay
1630229580 2021-08-29 06:33 diff (in-line) r1 SomeGoodProductQualitiesOfOlansiAirPurifiers in Sandbox web LatishaBarnes
1629671520 2021-08-22 19:32 diff (in-line) r1 PerroChihuahuaPuro in TestProductLines web CarlosSantiago
1629671460 2021-08-22 19:31 diff (in-line) r1 QueEsElSEPE in TestProductLines web CarlosSantiago
1629671340 2021-08-22 19:29 diff (in-line) r1 Maquinariahosteleria in TestProductLines web CarlosSantiago
1629256200 2021-08-18 00:10 diff (in-line) r1 SoftwareDeNomina in TestProductLines web CarlosRangelLara
1629256140 2021-08-18 00:09 diff (in-line) r1 VentajasDeContarConUnCalentadorDePiscinas in TestProductLines web CarlosRangelLara
1629256080 2021-08-18 00:08 diff (in-line) r1 VentajasDelDioxidoDeCloro in TestProductLines web CarlosRangelLara
1628567160 2021-08-10 00:46 diff (in-line) r12 TagMeChangeRequests in TWiki web AhmedElazin
1627513200 2021-07-28 20:00 diff (in-line) r1 RazonesPorLasQueCotilleamos in TestProductLines web CarlosLaraLuna
1627512780 2021-07-28 19:53 diff (in-line) r1 RouterMiFiQueEs in TestProductLines web CarlosLaraLuna
1627512300 2021-07-28 19:45 diff (in-line) r1 TipsParaInvertirConExito in TestProductLines web CarlosLaraLuna
1627511880 2021-07-28 19:38 diff (in-line) r1 ComoSeDeterminaElPrecioDeLasAcciones in TestProductLines web CarlosLaraLuna
1627058400 2021-07-23 13:40 diff (in-line) r16 WebHome in TestProductLines web ElijHernandez
1626924300 2021-07-22 00:25 diff (in-line) r1 CespedArtificial in TestProductLines web GaelLara
1626924120 2021-07-22 00:22 diff (in-line) r1 ShitcoinTodoLoQueDebesSaber in TestProductLines web GaelLara
1626923940 2021-07-22 00:19 diff (in-line) r1 BinanceEsSeguro in TestProductLines web GaelLara
1626629340 2021-07-18 14:29 diff (in-line) r1 TitanGel in TestProductLines web TitanGel
1626395460 2021-07-15 21:31 diff (in-line) r1 DetallesBodaHombres in TestProductLines web DetallesBodasHombres
1626066120 2021-07-12 02:02 diff (in-line) r1 CortesDeCabelloParaHombres in TestProductLines web JulioFlores
1625869560 2021-07-09 19:26 diff (in-line) r1 CaracterSticasDeWhatsAppPlus in TestProductLines web RominaLara
1616396220 2021-03-22 03:57 diff (in-line) r2 How_To_Locate_New_Coupons in ProjetoProcad web AmberHawkins
1609191720 2020-12-28 18:42 diff (in-line) r1 7UsefulTipsAndMistakesToAvoidToDoSEOOptimizationOnWordPress in ProjetoProcad web GeorgeCht
1582900740 2020-02-28 11:39 diff (in-line) r579 WeeklySeminar in SPG web LeopoldoTeixeira
1575044220 2019-11-29 13:17 diff (in-line) r107 GenteAreaThesis in SPG web GuilhermeCavalcanti
1569119340 2019-09-21 23:29 diff (in-line) r196 GenteAreaPublications in SPG web GuilhermeCavalcanti
1559064300 2019-05-28 14:25 diff (in-line) r130 AspectProductLine in SPG web LeopoldoTeixeira
1552680660 2019-03-15 17:11 diff (in-line) r1 PastMeetings2018 in SPG web LeopoldoTeixeira
1537149960 2018-09-16 23:06 diff (in-line) r20 ConflictPatterns in SPG web PaolaAccioly
1534193700 2018-08-13 17:55 diff (in-line) r9 TAES320171 in TAES web PauloBorba
1526929020 2018-05-21 15:57 diff (in-line) r123 GroupMembers in SPG web SergioSoares
1522209480 2018-03-28 00:58 diff (in-line) r1 PastMeetings2017 in SPG web LeopoldoTeixeira
1521472320 2018-03-19 12:12 diff (in-line) r1 ConflictPredictorsMSR in SPG web PaolaAccioly
1514311740 2017-12-26 15:09 diff (in-line) r1 AdvancedMergeTools in SPG web PaolaAccioly
1487281500 2017-02-16 18:45 diff (in-line) r1 PastMeetings2016 in SPG web LeopoldoTeixeira
1473469920 2016-09-09 22:12 diff (in-line) r71 WebHome in TAES web PauloBorba
1473469860 2016-09-09 22:11 diff (in-line) r12 TAES2201602 in TAES web PauloBorba
1472759580 2016-09-01 16:53 diff (in-line) r26 SPLRefactoringTemplates in SPG web PauloBorba
1470775380 2016-08-09 17:43 diff (in-line) r11 TAES2201502 in TAES web FernandoCastor
1462826040 2016-05-09 17:34 diff (in-line) r7 TAES120161 in TAES web PauloBorba
1460044080 2016-04-07 12:48 diff (in-line) r6 SemistructuredMergeReplication in SPG web GuilhermeCavalcanti
1458439680 2016-03-19 23:08 diff (in-line) r21 WebHome in ProjetoProcad web JoshCi
1455228840 2016-02-11 19:14 diff (in-line) r1 PastMeetings2015 in SPG web LeopoldoTeixeira
1444419660 2015-10-09 16:41 diff (in-line) r17 GenteAreaVisits in SPG web KlissiomaraDias
1441244340 2015-09-02 22:39 diff (in-line) r3 SampleSystems in SPG web PaolaAccioly
1435088400 2015-06-23 16:40 diff (in-line) r44 GenteAreaProjects in SPG web GuilhermeCavalcanti
1434421260 2015-06-15 23:21 diff (in-line) r14 TAES1201501 in TAES web PauloBorba
1424367600 2015-02-19 14:40 diff (in-line) r1 PastMeetings2014 in SPG web LeopoldoTeixeira
1422540360 2015-01-29 11:06 diff (in-line) r8 TAES2201402 in TAES web FernandoCastor
1422112080 2015-01-24 12:08 diff (in-line) r1 EasyCommerce in ProjetoProcad web AoilmiSaaz
1420595460 2015-01-06 22:51 diff (in-line) r44 WebHome in SPG web PauloBorba
1415640300 2014-11-10 14:25 diff (in-line) r13 AgendaQuartoWorkshop in ProjetoProcad web LeopoldoTeixeira
1415638860 2014-11-10 14:01 diff (in-line) r17 ApresentacoesQuartoWorkshop in ProjetoProcad web LeopoldoTeixeira
1404363960 2014-07-03 02:06 diff (in-line) r1 ComputerJournal2014 in SPG web RodrigoAndrade
1400086380 2014-05-14 13:53 diff (in-line) r1 Tile_klart_den_sejeste_at_finde_din_malplaceredde_n�gler in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400085960 2014-05-14 13:46 diff (in-line) r1 Having_The_Term_Out_About_You_With_Social_Networking_Advertising in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400085240 2014-05-14 13:34 diff (in-line) r1 Can_Cell_Phones_Harm_Your_Health in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400084580 2014-05-14 13:23 diff (in-line) r1 Farming_Resources:_Garden_And_Garden_Publications_In_The_21st_Century in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400083560 2014-05-14 13:06 diff (in-line) r1 Military_Payday_Loans_-_meets_expenses_via_less_costly_finance in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400082960 2014-05-14 12:56 diff (in-line) r1 Free_Journey_Uses_in_Europe in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400082540 2014-05-14 12:49 diff (in-line) r1 Audit_Tips_That_You_Want in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400082000 2014-05-14 12:40 diff (in-line) r1 Stag_Week-end_In_Leeds_A_Must_Before_Your_Wedding in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400081520 2014-05-14 12:32 diff (in-line) r1 Adult_Bedwetting__Exercising_Might_Support_The_Problem in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400080980 2014-05-14 12:23 diff (in-line) r1 Aluminum_Blinds_Tough_And_For_Sale_In_A_Wide_Array_Of_Colors in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400080500 2014-05-14 12:15 diff (in-line) r1 The_Ways_to_Have_Consistent_Income_Source_Monthly in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400080020 2014-05-14 12:07 diff (in-line) r1 Undestanding_How_Online_Marketing_Business_is_Structured in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400073300 2014-05-14 10:15 diff (in-line) r1 Are_you_Trying_to_find_an_Discount_Coupon_Book in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1400072160 2014-05-14 09:56 diff (in-line) r1 Tumbling_Troubles_Ways_To_Get_Your_Dryer_Working_Again in ProjetoProcad web LeeanN388p
1384456500 2013-11-14 16:15 diff (in-line) r7 TAES2201302 in TAES web FernandoCastor
1376959200 2013-08-19 21:40 diff (in-line) r17 TAES2201202 in TAES web PauloBorba
1337360700 2012-05-18 14:05 diff (in-line) r1 QuickMenuBar in APG web TWikiGuest
1336157760 2012-05-04 15:56 diff (in-line) r13 WebPreferences in TAES web LeopoldoTeixeira
1331137740 2012-03-07 13:29 diff (in-line) r190 TWikiUsers in Main web TWikiAdminUser
1317046980 2011-09-26 11:23 diff (in-line) r5 WebSearchAdvanced in Main web MichaelJames
1313188440 2011-08-12 19:34 diff (in-line) r18 TWikiRegistration in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1311924060 2011-07-29 04:21 diff (in-line) r5 WebPreferencesHelp in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1311190140 2011-07-20 16:29 diff (in-line) r1 IVWorkshopLabPSUFS in LabPS web MarcosDosea
1311190020 2011-07-20 16:27 diff (in-line) r1 IIIWorkshopLabPSUFS in LabPS web MarcosDosea
1311189900 2011-07-20 16:25 diff (in-line) r1 IIWorkshopLabPSUFS in LabPS web MarcosDosea
1310088000 2011-07-07 22:20 diff (in-line) r9 TipsContrib in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1307246100 2011-06-05 00:55 diff (in-line) r54 TextFormattingRules in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1302580200 2011-04-12 00:50 diff (in-line) r5 TWikiSearchDotPm in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1302125880 2011-04-06 18:38 diff (in-line) r3 RgmsCompleto in TAES web RodrigoAndrade
1300988580 2011-03-24 14:43 diff (in-line) r5 WorkshopsLab in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1293675780 2010-12-29 23:23 diff (in-line) r4 VarDISPLAYTIME in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1290719640 2010-11-25 18:14 diff (in-line) r40 WebHome in Main web RafaelMarques
1289629560 2010-11-13 03:26 diff (in-line) r9 WebHome in CINCodingDojo web LaisNeves
1289509020 2010-11-11 17:57 diff (in-line) r16 WebPreferences in CINCodingDojo web LeopoldoTeixeira
1288224960 2010-10-27 21:16 diff (in-line) r5 HealthWatcherEScala in PROBRAL/InternalArea web LucasSatabin
1288205880 2010-10-27 15:58 diff (in-line) r6 Diretoria in APG web RodolfoAndrade
1287437280 2010-10-18 18:28 diff (in-line) r1 ModuloTesteAplicacaoWeb in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1287437220 2010-10-18 18:27 diff (in-line) r5 ConteudoModulos in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1287168600 2010-10-15 15:50 diff (in-line) r1 Diretoria2009 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1287073080 2010-10-14 13:18 diff (in-line) r3 CaseStudies in PROBRAL/InternalArea web LucasSatabin
1283033940 2010-08-28 19:19 diff (in-line) r2 FormularioInscriOPCT in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1282088580 2010-08-17 20:43 diff (in-line) r6 HealthWatcherDR in PROBRAL/InternalArea web VaidasGasiunas
1281658620 2010-08-12 21:17 diff (in-line) r6 ChamadaAlunos2009 in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1281648060 2010-08-12 18:21 diff (in-line) r1 Topics in PROBRAL/InternalArea web RodrigoAndrade
1280522760 2010-07-30 17:46 diff (in-line) r17 ProjetoFlip in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1280437080 2010-07-29 17:58 diff (in-line) r5 TreinamentoModuloET in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1280165460 2010-07-26 14:31 diff (in-line) r1 TreinamentoComoRelatarBugsDeManeiraEficaz in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1277759040 2010-06-28 18:04 diff (in-line) r2 WeslleyTorres in Main web WeslleyTorres
1277700540 2010-06-28 01:49 diff (in-line) r2 TWikiTip017 in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1277635440 2010-06-27 07:44 diff (in-line) r2 TWikiTip010 in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1277630520 2010-06-27 06:22 diff (in-line) r6 WebTopicList in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1277368140 2010-06-24 05:29 diff (in-line) r3 TWikiJavascripts in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1277148840 2010-06-21 16:34 diff (in-line) r2 VaidasGasiunas in Main web VaidasGasiunas
1275730800 2010-06-05 06:40 diff (in-line) r6 TemplateWeb in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1275514680 2010-06-02 18:38 diff (in-line) r4 TreinamentoSessionBasedCharter in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1273887120 2010-05-14 22:32 diff (in-line) r3 VarY in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1273887120 2010-05-14 22:32 diff (in-line) r3 VarM in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1273887120 2010-05-14 22:32 diff (in-line) r3 VarN in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1273818060 2010-05-14 03:21 diff (in-line) r3 VarPINK in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1273818060 2010-05-14 03:21 diff (in-line) r3 VarMAROON in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1273818060 2010-05-14 03:21 diff (in-line) r3 VarTEAL in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1273034220 2010-05-05 01:37 diff (in-line) r3 RoteiroExercicios20100511 in TAES web PaolaAccioly
1271980560 2010-04-22 20:56 diff (in-line) r3 RoteiroExercicios20100422 in TAES web PaolaAccioly
1271890080 2010-04-21 19:48 diff (in-line) r4 InstalacaoAmbienteStratego in TAES web PaolaAccioly
1270591260 2010-04-06 19:01 diff (in-line) r1 PluginWebDSL in TAES web MarcioRibeiro
1268952300 2010-03-18 19:45 diff (in-line) r17 PublicationsCInBTC in CInBTCResearchProject web LaisNeves
1268864700 2010-03-17 19:25 diff (in-line) r2 NoticiaTreinamentoProcessodeTestes in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1268845980 2010-03-17 14:13 diff (in-line) r10 ToolTarget in CInBTCResearchProject web MichelleSilva
1268752620 2010-03-16 12:17 diff (in-line) r2 ResearchPlan in PROBRAL/InternalArea web RodrigoBonifacio
1268725620 2010-03-16 04:47 diff (in-line) r1 RegimentoPos2008 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1268722920 2010-03-16 04:02 diff (in-line) r2 Eleicao2010 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1268683980 2010-03-15 17:13 diff (in-line) r1 ResearcPlan in PROBRAL/InternalArea web RodrigoBonifacio
1268665020 2010-03-15 11:57 diff (in-line) r22 WebPreferences in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268664900 2010-03-15 11:55 diff (in-line) r3 ProjectGoals in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268664780 2010-03-15 11:53 diff (in-line) r1 DevelopedSoftware in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268664720 2010-03-15 11:52 diff (in-line) r1 ProjectPublications in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268664720 2010-03-15 11:52 diff (in-line) r1 CaseStudies in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268664660 2010-03-15 11:51 diff (in-line) r4 ProjectMembers in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268664600 2010-03-15 11:50 diff (in-line) r11 WebHome in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268664480 2010-03-15 11:48 diff (in-line) r21 WebPreferences in PROBRAL/InternalArea web RodrigoBonifacio
1268664420 2010-03-15 11:47 diff (in-line) r2 QuickMenuProjectInfo in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268662800 2010-03-15 11:20 diff (in-line) r3 QuickMenuProjectResults in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268575500 2010-03-14 11:05 diff (in-line) r1 QuickMenuBar in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268573880 2010-03-14 10:38 diff (in-line) r2 ProjectDeliverables in PROBRAL web RodrigoBonifacio
1268533740 2010-03-13 23:29 diff (in-line) r6 WebLeftBar in PROBRAL web TWikiAdminUser
1268533740 2010-03-13 23:29 diff (in-line) r6 WebLeftBar in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiAdminUser
1268532660 2010-03-13 23:11 diff (in-line) r1 WebMenu in PROBRAL web TWikiAdminUser
1268532660 2010-03-13 23:11 diff (in-line) r1 WebMenu in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiAdminUser
1268519820 2010-03-13 19:37 diff (in-line) r1 WebLogo in PROBRAL web TWikiAdminUser
1268519820 2010-03-13 19:37 diff (in-line) r1 WebLogo in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiAdminUser
1265844960 2010-02-10 20:36 diff (in-line) r1 VitorMaciel in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1265844960 2010-02-10 20:36 diff (in-line) r1 RafaelBorba in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1265844960 2010-02-10 20:36 diff (in-line) r1 JoaoVitor in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1265844960 2010-02-10 20:36 diff (in-line) r1 FernandoCastor in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1265844960 2010-02-10 20:36 diff (in-line) r1 BernardoSantana in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1265844960 2010-02-10 20:36 diff (in-line) r1 BeneditoFernando in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1262486520 2010-01-02 23:42 diff (in-line) r3 VarICON in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1261009620 2009-12-16 21:27 diff (in-line) r1 ComoElaborarApresentacao in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1260044520 2009-12-05 17:22 diff (in-line) r13 ProjetosArquitetura200902 in TAES web FelipeFerreira
1259802900 2009-12-02 22:15 diff (in-line) r1 ImplantarBolsasCNPQ in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1259608920 2009-11-30 16:22 diff (in-line) r11 Aspectos20092 in TAES web FernandoCastor
1258734180 2009-11-20 13:23 diff (in-line) r4 RoteiroIntroducaoEvolucao in TAES web RodrigoBonifacio
1258128600 2009-11-13 13:10 diff (in-line) r2 ExperimentoHomeBanking in TAES web RodrigoBonifacio
1257482520 2009-11-06 01:42 diff (in-line) r1 CadastrarNotebook in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1257482280 2009-11-06 01:38 diff (in-line) r1 DicasImpressao in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1257313920 2009-11-04 02:52 diff (in-line) r2 VivianeVieira in Main web VivianeVieira
1256864520 2009-10-29 22:02 diff (in-line) r1 DicasEspTreinamentos in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1256864340 2009-10-29 21:59 diff (in-line) r1 DicasEspApresTreinamentos in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1252608900 2009-09-10 15:55 diff (in-line) r5 SejaUmColaborador in LabPS web CalianeFigueredo
1250952780 2009-08-22 11:53 diff (in-line) r3 RoteiroExercicios20090815 in TAES web LeopoldoTeixeira
1249403760 2009-08-04 13:36 diff (in-line) r6 CurrentResearch in CInBTCResearchProject web EricaHori
1249403640 2009-08-04 13:34 diff (in-line) r4 ToolTestCaseSelectorandClassifier in CInBTCResearchProject web EricaHori
1249403640 2009-08-04 13:34 diff (in-line) r3 ToolBxT in CInBTCResearchProject web EricaHori
1249403580 2009-08-04 13:33 diff (in-line) r3 ToolAF in CInBTCResearchProject web EricaHori
1249400460 2009-08-04 12:41 diff (in-line) r9 TeamCInBTC in CInBTCResearchProject web EricaHori
1242833820 2009-05-20 12:37 diff (in-line) r2 ToolsCInBTC in CInBTCResearchProject web EricaHori
1242422640 2009-05-15 18:24 diff (in-line) r9 WebHome in CInBTCResearchProject web PauloBorba
1242076860 2009-05-11 18:21 diff (in-line) r18 WebPreferences in CInBTCResearchProject web LeopoldoTeixeira
1240620300 2009-04-24 21:45 diff (in-line) r6 SearchPatternCookbook in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1239306000 2009-04-09 16:40 diff (in-line) r1 TWikiLogos in CInBTCResearchProject web LeopoldoTeixeira
1239299640 2009-04-09 14:54 diff (in-line) r1 WorkshopsCInBTC in CInBTCResearchProject web LeopoldoTeixeira
1239298680 2009-04-09 14:38 diff (in-line) r6 WebLeftBar in CInBTCResearchProject web LeopoldoTeixeira
1236981720 2009-03-13 19:02 diff (in-line) r3 Workshop2009 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1236981420 2009-03-13 18:57 diff (in-line) r2 Workshops in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1233015300 2009-01-26 21:15 diff (in-line) r1 Selecao2009 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1227153660 2008-11-20 01:01 diff (in-line) r1 RicardoRamos in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1210343760 2008-05-09 11:36 diff (in-line) r1 UiraKulesza in Main web LeopoldoTeixeira
1205450100 2008-03-13 20:15 diff (in-line) r2 Workshop2008 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1205419320 2008-03-13 11:42 diff (in-line) r6 Workshop2007 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1204728360 2008-03-05 11:46 diff (in-line) r1 Selecao2008 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1203022500 2008-02-14 17:55 diff (in-line) r1 Diretoria2006 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1191691140 2007-10-06 14:19 diff (in-line) r1 Selecao2006 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1178756940 2007-05-09 21:29 diff (in-line) r5 WebLeftBar in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1178756940 2007-05-09 21:29 diff (in-line) r6 WebLeftBar in Main web TWikiContributor
1177862820 2007-04-29 13:07 diff (in-line) r10 ToDo in APG web TWikiGuest
1177861140 2007-04-29 12:39 diff (in-line) r1 Diretoria2001 in APG web TWikiGuest
1177861020 2007-04-29 12:37 diff (in-line) r1 Diretoria2004 in APG web TWikiGuest
1177860360 2007-04-29 12:26 diff (in-line) r5 WebMenu in APG web AlanKelon
1177860360 2007-04-29 12:26 diff (in-line) r3 Pessoas in APG web AlanKelon
1174679400 2007-03-23 16:50 diff (in-line) r0 WebLinks in Main web TWikiContributor
1172741520 2007-03-01 06:32 diff (in-line) r24 WebPreferences in Main web TWikiContributor
1165341540 2006-12-05 14:59 diff (in-line) r10 Baias2006 in APG web TacianaPontual
1165053240 2006-12-02 06:54 diff (in-line) r6 DesalocacaoDasBaias2006 in APG web CiceroGarrozi
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebTopicList in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebSearchAdvanced in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r5 WebIndex in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebSearch in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebChanges in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebTopicList in CInBTCResearchProject web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebSearchAdvanced in CInBTCResearchProject web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r5 WebIndex in CInBTCResearchProject web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebSearch in CInBTCResearchProject web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebChanges in CInBTCResearchProject web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r11 WebSearch in Main web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r5 WebIndex in Main web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r5 WebChanges in Main web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebTopicList in PROBRAL web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebSearchAdvanced in PROBRAL web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r5 WebIndex in PROBRAL web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebSearch in PROBRAL web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebChanges in PROBRAL web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebTopicList in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebSearchAdvanced in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r5 WebIndex in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebSearch in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiContributor
1163630580 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebChanges in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiContributor
1138093620 2006-01-24 06:07 diff (in-line) r3 WebAtom in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1138093620 2006-01-24 06:07 diff (in-line) r3 WebAtom in CInBTCResearchProject web TWikiContributor
1138093620 2006-01-24 06:07 diff (in-line) r3 WebAtom in PROBRAL web TWikiContributor
1138093620 2006-01-24 06:07 diff (in-line) r3 WebAtom in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiContributor
1131442620 2005-11-08 06:37 diff (in-line) r1 WebCreateNewTopic in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1131442620 2005-11-08 06:37 diff (in-line) r1 WebCreateNewTopic in CInBTCResearchProject web TWikiContributor
1131442620 2005-11-08 06:37 diff (in-line) r1 WebCreateNewTopic in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiContributor
1112013600 2005-03-28 09:40 diff (in-line) r5 WebRss in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1112013600 2005-03-28 09:40 diff (in-line) r6 WebNotify in CINCodingDojo web TWikiContributor
1112013600 2005-03-28 09:40 diff (in-line) r5 WebRss in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiContributor
1112013600 2005-03-28 09:40 diff (in-line) r6 WebNotify in PROBRAL/InternalArea web TWikiContributor

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